not trying to harp on bakers cause i dont bake but bakers should observe the discussions on topics when they are able, and read the notable and use your best judgement. dont just rake up every single NOTABLE just cause an anon says so. its better to miss good info and get it next bread than it is to fill the dough with everything under the sun. there were at least a dozen posts on the topic last bread. but TYB and keep up the good work. you guys take moar shit here than anyone.
im no expert but isnt the usual protocol to go on lock down and shelter in place. if someone is there with a gun why would they tell everyone to go outside. talk about a target rich environment. i smell fuckery.
they dont have to take down the internet anons. the electric grid is out dated and vulnerable. it would be much easier to disrupt hydro and give some lame exuse "but muh heatwave".