Anonymous ID: a8de1e Aug. 29, 2018, 12:25 p.m. No.2786269   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6499



Every war against America, every single one including the civil war, was to bring back a monarchy.


The war of independence really screwed up their ancient plans for Atlantis.


The Pope claimed the New World and the monarchs bow to the Pope. It was originally intended to be wholly a Spanish colony, but after the defeat of the Spanish Armada (most significant event in history?) they lost control and the rebelling Protestant monarchy of England was able to make their own colony AT LAST.


Except it wasn't the monarchy. It was the Freemasons who have been waging a secret holy war against the Vatican since at least the 1500s.


Could it be? Could all world events of recent history be a shadow war between Freemasons who want communism vs Catholicism who want Monarchy?