Anonymous ID: ab1427 Aug. 29, 2018, 12:22 p.m. No.2786210   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6279 >>6287 >>6333 >>6507

I'm going to post this again to spark discussion on why Q introduced the Daniel Paysuer "conspiracy". That he was supposedly the dauphin of France is easily disproven by family DNA studies, unless one wishes to claim hundreds of Bourbon heirs are ALL lying and ALL have fake family tress, fake DNA, fake tests…all to hide this?


What IS likely true is that his father, George CHANGED HIS NAME to hide his German JEWISH heritage.


I'm not sure why Q is bringing up the Paysuer stuff…makes zero sense. The question of the heart in the jar and the DNA was settled back in 2000.


"PARIS — The question has intrigued historians for 200 years. Was the disease-riddled little boy who died in 1795 after years alone in a prison cell really the son of Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette?


Or had royalists managed, at the height of the French Revolution, to spirit the young heir from harm after his parents were sent to the guillotine?


Wednesday, two scientists said they could offer proof that the 10-year-old was indeed Louis XVII. He had endured two years in Temple prison, where he was left unattended and in the dark for long stretches, with skin tumors, scabies and increasing signs of madness.


After examining all that remains of the boy–a dried heart–the scientists said they had been able to match the boy's DNA with that of other members of the royal family, including DNA taken from a lock of Marie Antoinette's hair.


"This is the end of 200 years of uncertainty," said Philippe Delorme, a historian who had pressed for the test and helped announced the results. "It is a very exciting day for historians. It puts to an end a mystery that has absorbed so many of us. Now we have an answer."


Through the years, more than 500 books have been written about the young dauphin, and many theories emerged about his possible escape and presumed exile."


It's always been a "conspiracy" with many men claiming to be the dauphin…but just like the Anastasia asshatery, Daniel Paysuer was NOT the dauphin of France.


HOWEVER that didn't stop the stupid conspiracies. Which were likely sourced from this stupid document


Which includes a "conspiracy" about AA Springs being the father of Abraham Lincoln. The conspiracy of HIS birth is really quite simple. Nancy Hanks was melungeon, a fact clearly seen in Abraham Lincoln's face. WHICH has been proven by DNA testing of Hanks matrilineal descendants…his mother was it is correct that Abe Lincoln was NOT white, and in fact was Melungeon. AND his father was indeed THOMAS LINCOLN


SO why all the bullshit eh?


SO Q, why bring this shit up, DNA evidence by people with absolutely nothing to prove one way or the other with living DNA donors….Daniel Paysuer was NOT the dauphin of France, and George Bashore/Paysure was NOT French, he was born in PA, and his father was born in Germany.


What the actual fuck derail is this? Whether or not the Paysuers are or were wealthy is beside the point…the arrow YOU were aiming was at an easily disproven conspiracy of Daniel's identity as the dauphin of France. Idiots. AND why the actual fuck did absolutely no one question this?


Anymore proof needed that this site is invaded by sheep?

Anonymous ID: ab1427 Aug. 29, 2018, 12:37 p.m. No.2786432   🗄️.is 🔗kun


the thing is, the bloodline is a lie. There is no special bloodline. (Source? ME on the inside of a "bloodline family" DNA study laughing my ass off at the histrionics when the DNA tests were coming in.


What is true is that GEORGE changed his JEWISH NAME to a French name to hide his Jewish German ancestry. WHY? I have no idea…but I do have a front seat to this as my own family did the same A LONG time ago and DNA testing was a bit of a surprise…to say the least.


I don't know about the links, the genealogy is widely available…and the stupid shits know they are not related to Bourbons and the Bourbons are ordinary as dirt as are most so called "bloodline" families.


The bloodline is a myth, but it has served them VERY well in creating the myth, divine right to rule, yada yada…generational wealth, intermarriage, and sekrit clubs all designed to lock out everyone else.


BTW according to THEM I'm a direct descendant of Jeebus himself….it's a damn myth which family DNA projects are quickly putting an end to.


IS there odd DNA, yes. And those people who know they have it are not taking DNA tests. There's a reason the JEWS run all the DNA sites and are collecting it, searching…for what they failed to kill…now they are using facial recognition technology to match your face to possible ancestors.


There's only one reason to create the lie, POWER…and look how many people absofuckinglutely believe it. NOT one single person questioned that drop, not one. They just took old whacky PDFs written by JEWS (check all the bloodline papers etc…all written by JEWS)….as fact.


MOST of them (bloodline shits) are not even "real jews" which is hysterical.

Anonymous ID: ab1427 Aug. 29, 2018, 12:46 p.m. No.2786530   🗄️.is 🔗kun


BUT not really…as the JEW "Spring" basically stole it all from them. Look, money only takes you so far….it's the MYTH that creates the power…the power of the myth. Almost every single thing I've ever read on the illuminutties and the bloodline shit…was written BY A JEW.


Now, why would a JEW push a power family bloodline myth about JEWS?




the bloodline is literally just a genealogy of power and wealth and hanging onto it by creating this myth of divine power…they're literally genetic losers. Ugly to a FAULT, (look at them) some smart, some not, in-bred ugly shits who no one would take a moments notice of if they were not insanely rich.


LOOK at them…a genetic failure…trying to pretend THEY are the chosen ones..when in fact their life mission ordered by their so called "god" has been to wipe out the beauty, to KILL everyone that isn't (((THEM))) read the's all right there. Pretty hard not to be THE CHOSEN when you write the damn book yourselves. THEY are a failed genetic ego trip to one up the successful ones…and ever since then THEY have been doing nothing but marrying each other to keep themselves pure and pushing race mixing on everyone else to dilute what they KNOW is out there but can never find.

Anonymous ID: ab1427 Aug. 29, 2018, 12:52 p.m. No.2786605   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>Why is Q hiding the identity of [P] though?

P is the fucking POPE…the hysterics that causes in the "faithful" each and every time it comes up is what's going to put 96% in the hospital. Holy shit the night Q posted that and it became clear through digging that the entire "catholic cult" is corrupt and vile…sent most faithful into 'gasms of got REAL ugly after that. OF COURSE as time has gone on the future has proven the past. The entire damn structure of the cult is vile, corrupt and filled with evil….and here we are…now. Proof.


as far as Payseur, Q posted an absolutely stupid easily disproven bullshit to get people digging and the first thing that pops up is OMG Daniel Paysuer is the Dauphin of France…when the only sources for that are insane conspiracy PDFs easily disproven should one even bother to look. at family DNA projects.


Payseurs were wealthy…so was almost every other "captain" of early industry. To me the most interesting is that the family changed their name, they were in fact German Jews…we know (((THEY))) stick together which explains the Roths et al connections.


The most likely conspiracy is that the Payseurs crept up into positions of power and control that would have been forbidden to them as JEWS…that's the damn conspiracy.