Anonymous ID: 70203c Aug. 29, 2018, 3:24 p.m. No.2788643   🗄️.is 🔗kun

PLO leader Abu mazen (mahmud abbas) has a new target - the us midterm elections


Looks like he is mad that potus cut the US funding to UNRWA and they are mad about his upcoming "deal of the century". There are speculations that he plans to use his UN speech, planned for september the 20s, to push anti trump agenda and influence the midterms.


UNRWA is the UN agency that prolongs palestinian refugee status indefinitely. I.e. even if a palestinian is born as a citizen of france, he will still be considered a refugee. Palestinians are the only ones who have this inherited refugee status privilege).


Source - one of israels best news outlets (use google translate):

Anonymous ID: 70203c Aug. 29, 2018, 3:39 p.m. No.2788841   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Look at the new israeli supreme court building, constructed in 1992. That was the year when the corrupt supreme court became the de facto deep state ruler of israel. Everything there screams occult cabal. Pyramids, roth photos, the fact that it was funded by roths and have many donations by freemason lodges. The israeli silent majority is fighting this abomination since 1992, without much success. Btw what else happened in 1992? The cabal sponsored Oslo acvcords. And what do you know, all 3 of those who signed these agreement got a nobel "peace prize" just like our buddy hussein. And the results? Prolonged conflict, more dead from all sides and cabal fuckers who are happy, making a lot of profit and moving forward their global agenda.

