Anonymous ID: 8ee12a Aug. 29, 2018, 3:35 p.m. No.2788793   🗄️.is 🔗kun


The biggest drug traffickers have been the Clowns In America and the muthercunting pharmaceutical companies. And yet some homie in east LA with 20 kilos of crack in the trunk of his Benzo will get the lethal inject. You know that shit is a big bowl of wrong! You know it's not a joke or overstatement or false statement to point out how many "legal" drugs kill people. Fetanyl & Oxie and those goddamned murderous so-called anti-depressants have been killing tens of THOUSANDS of Americans, far more than compared to deaths by good old fashioned opium-plant-based heroin. No joke. But who are we kidding? Not even Q can bring the pharma tycoons to account for their heinous profit-motivated crimes. And the beat goes on.