Anonymous ID: e6ea2c Aug. 29, 2018, 3:17 p.m. No.2788557   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>8600



…….So whether you are angry about Obama’s pedophile ring that he ran out of the White House, or Whoopi’s statements about US military widows, calm down… and grow up; neither ever happened.



When I started this site, I had no idea that the stories would garner this much attention. While writing them, I was aiming for stories that no one would believe, but rather would be satirical in an age where disinformation is so prevalent.

Just for fun, I decided to post some of the stories in Trump fan groups on Facebook to see the reactions.


To my surprise, the Trump masses embraced my stories as fact, almost universally. It seemed that there wasn’t anything I could write that was too wild or outrageous to be believed by this particular audience.


If I wrote about CNN being fake news and connected to ISIS, readers would agree wholeheartedly with my fabricated article. If I wrote about a black liberal or Obama supposedly saying something controversial, the response was unbridled racism and hatred. When I wrote about Hillary Clinton’s new emails that proved she was a child sacrificing maniac, people screamed for her head.