So I am posting this a few days early but I think we can make the statement that this particular happening meter has gone off. I have been looking for a way to determine that Q and the good guys are done and ready to do the next … thing. This chart that can be viewed here gave me some ideas.
This is a graph of number of sealed indictments accumulating relative to time. As you can see this thing is boooorrrrringgggg. Yes but that tells us A LOT. There was a steady increase month by month of nearly the same rate all the way to August….
Lets think about this for a minute. These indictments are kept SECRET. to keep them secret will require a limited number of people who are VERY good at making sealed indictments with no increases or decreases. A "cell" of sorts. This cell will work away as fast as they can. Now they are not learning anything or getting better at it because they are already really fucking good at it. The output from this cell will be a steady number… Just like we see in the graph.
Next we look at August. It flatlined. WHY the fuck would it flatline? Its not like this crack-team of secret-indictment making maniacs got WORSE after all that practice. Nope. They ran out of filthy deepstate lizard people to indict. Simple as that. They got them all written up. I think that unless we see this jump up A LOT in the next few days (because of a slacking updater guy perhaps?) then we can safely assume that there will be few or no NEW indicements in the future. Well, once you have them all might as well get going on taking out the trash right? So this "Its happening" meter seems to have gone off.