Lets make a dealโฆ
You real jews can live in Israel with all the other real jews. In exchange all of the real and fake jews are no longer allowed to rule white countries.
You get to live.
You also get to fuck off.
What about the anti freemason cartoons?
Or the anti catholic church cartoons?
What about the anti swiss cartoons?
Would you rather see those jew?
They can get fucked too.
Marina is a jew no?
(((Abromovich))) no?
How come you are not so "spike the football" tonight jew?
Is it because a blogger btfo'd Q? Is that it?
Calling him a boomerposting fag?
If Q acts like a jew what is the difference?
She has a nose like Stalin
But there is no reaching you kikes
You think this child rapist is not a jew either
Not (((Bearman))) but (((Beria)))
Lets be honest though (((Bearman))) probably fucking is
Holohoax denial laws and anti hate speech aka anti truth about race laws made that happen.
Keep it in perspective and name the real enemy.
None of this happened organically.
Its the ___.
Yeah right.
I am an American that hates jews.
Political jews.
Media jews.
The jew that sells me a bagel?
Don't hate him.
But most likely he agrees with his political and media jews.
So how much should I like him?
Not much.