Who said he hasn't interviewed the Ohr's…the msm? KEK
Lurk moar.
Adrenochrome, a highly addictive psychedelic drug produced through the fatal abuse of children (and sometimes pigs), is certainly real.
As I said last bread, adrenochrome has 0 addictive properties. Do your own research before spreading fake news.
And how would they know that anon? Huber would not tell them yes or no.
I have done much research. Most for my own curiosity. Pic was done quickly to dispel the fake narrative about adrenochrome.
Has nothing to do with fulcrum news. First sentence of the article was a total lie, therefore, anything based on that sentence is a total lie. There is NO, 0, zip, zilch addictive properties to adrenochrome. Period.
Unfortunately, most will not do their own research and just take disinfo like that to be true. Even worse than FE.
I recommend you look into it yourself. The supposed hallucinogenic effects are highly questionable. And is certainly not addictive.