Been using this for normies.
Makes them question the MSM narrative.
Been using this for normies.
Makes them question the MSM narrative.
If Q is sighting that Nazism never died and it's the main controlling factor of "these people are evil" in the USA, and Q Team are fighting against that ideology and those very people, where does that leave YOU? Where does that leave a person like YOU who also believes in Nazism?
If you go back a decade, David Icke started off sounding kinda normal, but now he just sounds like a well dressed homeless guy rambling off nonsense.
Read the line with the pen next to it. When you become a 19th degree mason, you get THIS 33rd degree book. ((They)) acknowledge that Lucifer is ((their)) god. Real book…real facts. from ((their)) own words.
There's a pain level chart they use in hospitals, medical care, maybe a Bring the PAIN level 1 through 10? idk
Cnt ferm werdz… Mmmmm
Is that his wife, daughter or his Pleidian concubine?
Not soon enough…KEK