Anonymous ID: 21cade Aug. 29, 2018, 9:04 p.m. No.2793277   🗄️.is 🔗kun

This is the United States. If you want to to run under a Mexican flag, you should be in Mexico. If you want to run under an Israeli flag, you should be in Israel. If you want to run under a French flag, you should be in France. If you want to run under a Chinese flag, you should be in China. Etc.


You have nationalism, so do we.


If you want to run up stealthily in our harbors, friends will blow tanks, run on the surface, and show flag. We will re-arm you. We will resupply you. We will refuel you. We will be friends.


If you run in stealth mode, we will consider you an enemy combatant. We will Deep Six you, and mark you as a navigational hazard.