Anonymous ID: 7c2c00 Aug. 29, 2018, 8:53 p.m. No.2793146   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3252 >>3325

To the punk anon from the last thread.


California Uber Alles. DK saw this all coming 35 years ago!


Guess who was Gov of Cali when the song was written?




I am governor Jerry Brown

My aura smiles

And never frowns

Soon I will be president


Carter power will soon go away

I will be fuhrer one day

I will command all of you

Your kids will meditate in school


California über alles

über alles california


Zen fascists will control you

100% natural

You will jog for the master race

And always wear the happy face

Close your eyes, can't happen here

Big bro' on white horse is near

The hippies won't come back you say

Mellow out or you will pay


California über alles

über alles california


Now it is 1984

Knock knock at your front door

It's the suede/denim secret police

They have come for your uncool niece


Come quietly to the camp

You'd look nice as a drawstring lamp

Don't you worry, it's only a shower

For your clothes here's a pretty flower¡­


Die on organic poison gas

Serpent's egg's already hatched

You will croak, you little clown

When you mess with president brown


California über alles

über alles california


Same w Bad Religion and a lot of the 80's punk bands. Everything that we are seeing today, was happening in 1970/80 California. Looking back, Cali was essentially a testing ground for the eventual nationwide expansion of whatever is they call what they are doing today.


Check out the Bad Religion song "I Want to Conquer the World" the lyrics tell the whole story.



And I want to conquer the world,

Give all the idiots a brand new religion,

Put an end to poverty, uncleanliness and toil,

Promote equality in all of my decisions

With a quick wink of the eye

And a "God, you must be joking!"


I want to conquer the world,

Expose the culprits and feed them to the children,

Do away with air pollution and then I'll save the whales.

We'll have peace on earth and global communion.


I want to conquer the world!

I want to conquer the world!

I want to conquer the world!

I want to conquer the world!


This already happened in Cali, they witnessed this entire thing take place years ago. I always thought of it was a warning of sorts…then they released their newest song


"The Kids are Alt-Right"


Ugh. Lame. Total BS.


This entire time bands like Bad Religion and Pennywise have told me how evil and corrupt the government is, but now that we have somebody that is actually doing something about it, they are calling us Nazis.


Makes no sense. What was the point of it all? To turn us against America just to push the eventual liberal order 30 years later? Man. That is deep.


I was totally on board with it for years. Then Trump came along and I opened my eyes to what was happening. As soon as I saw that Western Civilization was in danger, I immediately jumped up to defend it.


Strange, it was like I was a sleeper agent this entire time, and I was finally activated. Cant explain it.


Totally rambling here. Felt the need to get this out. The DK pic hit me a certain way I guess


Cheers Q and cheers Anons!