Anonymous ID: 9f533f Aug. 29, 2018, 8:36 p.m. No.2792954   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3104



First, even though that New Mexico libtard judge let the jihadists go, the State of Georgia can come after them for the death of that little boy.




Kinda assumed most of the more hands on team is in their 30s/40s, although probably senior military averages over 50

Don't know how old Bill Binney and those guys are, but it doesn't matter, forever cool

Anonymous ID: 9f533f Aug. 29, 2018, 8:47 p.m. No.2793081   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3144 >>3186 >>3219 >>3406 >>3521



At some point, people born after 1980 will realize how odd it is to constantly have a plastic water bottle or a Starbucks cup in their hands.


Tap water, over ice, in a glass

Coffee, from a damn pot, not from those stupid K-cups, and drink it over the breakfast table then get on with the damn day

Swilling stuff all day long makes ya pee too much, wastes time


It's like there was a contest to see what packaging could create the most garbage, and plastic bottles and those plastic coffee pods won.

Anonymous ID: 9f533f Aug. 29, 2018, 9:02 p.m. No.2793262   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Pretty sure entire TSA staff at Hartsfield in Atlanta already know what they look like.

They were going to target Grady Hospital in downtown, because one of the women's mothers was "disrespected" there.

I got news for everybody: Grady is THE premier trauma center hospital in Atlanta. If I got shot or shredded up in a car wreck, I hope they Lifeflight me there. It's so good that MDs who want to specialize in emergency medicine compete for internships there.

But geez, it's Atlanta. The black community can be pretty sullen towards "customers" in a work environment, like they just don't care. Totally not racist, I think they're just like, eh, whatever. People who don't get that sometimes get pissed off about it.


One of those women was some foreigner who got drop-kicked into Georgia by some try-hard nonprofit "foundation" that's raking in big federal bucks for enabling the import of clueless people from BFE. So she got mad.


Leave Georgia alone. Personally I wish everybody of every color, race and creed who's come sashaying in here since 1990 would pack their shit and get out, because Atlanta traffic has gone to hell in a handcart.


QRESEARCH INSIDER TIP because I heard the rumor yesterday from a Chamber of Commerce dude in my neighborhood:

Amazon IS moving their corporate HQ to Atlanta


I'm not happy about it, but on the up side, the new construction will cause a bunch of slummy area to get bulldozed and built over.