Anonymous ID: b290a3 Aug. 29, 2018, 8:53 p.m. No.2793148   🗄️.is 🔗kun

I have been on the TrumpTrain since June 2015 and I have been following Q since day one.

And yes I new about CIA DropBox. The posts I made today is NEW INFO. I share info here, youtube, twitter and in comment sections when reading articles. I'm dedicated to exposing the satanic criminal cable no matter how long it takes. I don't chat much, too busy digging and sharing. I pray for the president everyday; he is not going to end up like JFK or Lincoln. Anyway fellow Anons I would never diss you or this board. We all spend hours doing this work and its disappointing when your work is ignored without reading. I have learned so much from this board thank you Anons.


"Stand for what is right. Stand for what is true. Stand up for the red, white, and blue. We won't back down, we won't give in, and we will never ever surrender. We will never ever quit. We go forward to victory. Because we are Americans and our hearts bleed Red, White, and Blue." - Donald Trump


PART 1 Eliahi Priest: Contact Zero, InsigniaGate Information Drop




PART 3 next – Key Documents / Barry Seal / Crimes of Mena


This is the current official Drop link for #InsigniaGate A private Int'l Investigation into the criminal behavior of the @CIA & Former US President @GeorgeHWBush CIA HIDING MONEY IN THE FIVESTARTRUST


DropBox Link:


@Ensin17 - Source of MEGA download [Mirror of DropBox]

This is the current official Drop link for #InsigniaGate A private International Investigation into the criminal behavior of the Central Intelligence Agency @CIA & Former US President @GeorgeHWBush!rrp02Sgb!dl1Odq-8TyYQaeA2UVRX4w