bright boy
I think you'll all be very surprised by which team Pope Francis is really playing on
This dude pretending to be a commie democrat to ingratiate himself to the MSM and the cabal within the Vatican
Behind the scenes he's actually a super conservative Catholic patriot (read about his miracle of the Eucharist - that doesn't happen to evil people)
He re-activated McCarrick knowing McCarrick would pick up right where he left off with his human trafficking
Sure enough, McCarrick went straight to China to re-establish his ratlines, only this time Q was watching… just like Q watched Tillerson and Preibus try to orchestrate their deep state dealings.
Francis also installed Cardinal Burke in the KNights of Malta to drain the swamp in that organization
And the two of them pretended to beef so that no one would suspect they were working together!
Pope Francis is the greatest most selfless swamp drainer there ever was.
He is the pope shot with arrows in the Fatima prophesy.
God, bless Pope Francis
Bless us ALL!
I laugh right back at all of you that you could be so blinded by your anti-Catholicism
It's so obvious the Pope is taking these hits in order to clean up the Church.
It was the only way.
Hi Q team [hand waving]
As long as you know that I know the truth
You can hire me to tell you what else is way too obvious (Cohen, Omarosa, tweets/posts about Mueller)
Also obvious Seth Rich was either killed by the Russians or set up by the Russians so the DNC would kill him.
That's why wikileaks won't reveal the source - it WAS the Russians! But they did it so Hillary would lose, so it's okay, I guess, but really fucked that Seth had to die… even if he was a stupid Bernie Bro
Send a little $LTC my way if you're feeling generous
I have six mouths to feed and it's tough when I'm also trying to help win the 2nd American Revolution