>>2793659 (lb)
You know, anon, I'm actually starting to wonder about members of my own family… They all hate Trump.
>>2793659 (lb)
You know, anon, I'm actually starting to wonder about members of my own family… They all hate Trump.
Yes, they would need more than one state, and realistically only the eastern states with the most population (and maybe California if everyone was legal and paid into it) would be able to have single payer.
>But what about Canada?
This is what he's talking about.
I think they wanted to bring the US into Canada and therefore back under British rule.
As a leaf I think that would be a fundamentally stupid idea and the more I learn about corruption here the more I would rather join the US.
Well, there's the symbolism, and the fact that it didn't work very well and a lot of the Canadian government workers didn't get paid properly for a few years.
Money laundering?
No, this was in a gas station and they were very serious. Not the first time I've heard of it in Boston. Liability.
I've heard of them not accepting out of state licences too. Knew a guy who used to rant about it ("muh full faith and credit") but Mass. liquor stores don't care about that.
Mind you this is the place where they can arraign you in your hospital bed… very old.
You want even more frenchmen in Florida, introduce single payer. My uncle for instance only goes back to Quebec to keep his medicare (you have to live here 189 days out of 365).
IIRC Habsburgs are descended from the Christ bloodline. Same with Saxe-Gotha (British Royals).
Fake news.
>CONCLUSION: Maternal marijuana use during pregnancy is not an independent risk factor for adverse neonatal outcomes after adjusting for confounding factors. Thus, the association between maternal marijuana use and adverse outcomes appears attributable to concomitant tobacco use and other confounding factors.