Anonymous ID: 041133 Aug. 29, 2018, 11:40 p.m. No.2794528   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4537 >>4539 >>4540

Trudeau BTFO. Absolute faggot.


In June of 2018, 27% of Canadians said they were “very confident” in the government to handle the negotiations. 43% said they were “moderately confident.” 22% were “not that confident,” and 8% were “not at all confident.”


But in the last month, those numbers have changed dramatically.


Now, just 17% say they are “very confident,” 34% say they are “moderately confident.” 26% are “not that confident,” and the number of people “not at all confident” has surged to 22%.


Considering that “moderately confident” is a pretty weak statement, when you add that to those who aren’t confident or are not at all confident, a full 82% lack full confidence in the Trudeau government.


And these numbers are no surprise.


For a long time, the Trudeau government and the media were selling the same message: Everything’s going great, Canada has tons of leverage, and we’re going to get a great deal.


But now, that fiction can’t be maintained. Even much of the establishment media has been reporting on what is obvious to us all: Trudeau and Freeland got totally outplayed by Mexico, their virtue-signalling and lecturing backfired horribly, our leverage is gone, and our economy faces serious risk.

Canadians can see that Trudeau and Freeland don’t have what it takes to represent our country, and the collapse in confidence was an inevitable result of that observation.