Anytime you think it isnt the Jews……its because you have not done your research.
Its always the Jews
Anytime you think it isnt the Jews……its because you have not done your research.
Its always the Jews
Would the Zionist be so bold as to leave their actual signature on the terror event 9/11?
Is the Israeli flag an esoteric version of 9/11? And meaning Greater Israel? Would they kick off a dramatic change in the Greater Israel project with a bold statement to galvanize the Americans into fighting the wars for the Zionist?
The Israeli flag has two blue stripes. They stand for the rivers the Nile and the Euphrates. The Zionist claim all the land between these two rivers.
In Roman numerals the rivers form the I of the IX and XI. The Star of David forms the XX.
They left their mark right on the date they chose to strike America.
We have been had.
And why did the media(entirely owned by zionist) so quickly pick the name 9/11 to call the terrorist event? After all we dont call Pearl Harbor December 7th. No this was important to (((them))). It went out in the morning CIA Gannett talking points to call it 9/11. Because the name is a esoteric hint at who is behind it.
And we know how much they love their games.