Anonymous ID: 844171 Aug. 30, 2018, 5:24 a.m. No.2795935   🗄️.is 🔗kun

OPINION: I'm sure some do realize what I'm about to say, but many more ppl don't. Every single issue addressed here via Q comes in "phases". First the subject is broached, then a couple months later the subject is referred to in a way which opens the eyes of many ppl and opens "the door" to official attention on the subject. Then comes the "PAIN" which is confrontation with the msm media complex. When the msm complex gets the info, they have a decision to make. Take this info public or pass it along to a "hit squad". A hit squad could be a bunch of panty wearing talking heads or a bunch of panty wearing assassins, which can be the same as talking heads.

Anyway, the above-mentioned is the reason why the Q-clock/map is so important. New followers/researchers are seeing the proof of this with the past couple days of Q posts and is at the heart of "future proves past". Just saying for those of you who are fairly new to Q.

Anonymous ID: 844171 Aug. 30, 2018, 5:41 a.m. No.2796037   🗄️.is 🔗kun


We are all trying to do this in our lives, I know I am. It feels awkward the first couples times, but something in me will not allow them to say such horrible things about a man, I know in my heart and mind, is fighting for ME! When was the last time a pres. fought for the average person(for real). Potus communicates directly with the people via twatter! 24/7! He is constantly talking to the press, more than any before him. There is no way these haters can disparage my President while I stand by silent anymore!