Um. Duh.
Study: Foreign Nationals on Sanctuary City Voter Rolls More Likely to Register Democrat than Republican
Foreign nationals who are on the voter rolls in sanctuary cities that protect illegal aliens from federal immigration enforcement are more likely to be registered Democrats than Republicans, new research reveals.
As Breitbart News reported, the Public Interest Legal Foundation (PILF) released a study that discovered how sanctuary cities and a states’ implementation of the National Voter Registration Act incentivizes foreign nationals to register to vote in U.S. elections.
Specifically, in 13 sanctuary cities across seven states, a total of about 3,120 foreign nationals either registered to vote or were removed from the voter rolls between 2006 and 2018.
In the few cases detailed by the PILF research where party registration is revealed, the noncitizens registered to vote were vastly more likely to be Democrats than Republicans. For example, 92 of the noncitizens registered to vote out of the 264 registered and removed over the last decade in San Diego County, California were registered Democrats. Only 35 had registered Republican, while 119 had not registered with a political party.