Anonymous ID: 2f473a Aug. 30, 2018, 6:24 a.m. No.2796315   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>6333



As we contemplate the horror

of the senseless things men do

In a search for rhyme or reason

one must finally come to view

That this recurring nightmare madness

is merely man's attempt

To prove that nothing's sacred

and no one is exempt

Anonymous ID: 2f473a Aug. 30, 2018, 7:09 a.m. No.2796691   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>6715


>comped baler = big drama



comped baler = loose bales


Let us suppose for a moment that you have a small group within large group that is trying to subvert the whole of the group. Is it better to allow them to stand up and identify themselves? Or should the small subversive group be persecuted and driven underground such that them and their actions are all but invisible and only come to view with results of their actions?


I for one say it is better to allow the nay-sayers and those bent on subversion to feel free to show their true colors.


Besides how long does any one baker bake? If breads are comp'd horrible they get locked and a replacement is baked. IF breads are mildly moldy happens all the time the baker's work is easily detected by the smell.


NOT all bad bakes are clowns, much is inexperience and much is simply a different editorial discretion being applied… in many cases an almost adolescent lack of critical thinking is evident.

Anonymous ID: 2f473a Aug. 30, 2018, 7:20 a.m. No.2796810   🗄️.is đź”—kun


>Everybody knows


the dice are loaded

everybody rolls with their fingers crossed…


lines from the song 'everybody knows'


>we can conclude that manipulation is succeeding


you clearly have not lurked long enough dear anon.

Under ordinary circumstances your assumptions would prove to correct, but here, in this glorious mongolian underwater basket weaving forum

things are NOT always as they appear