Anonymous ID: 7f1f52 Aug. 30, 2018, 6:24 a.m. No.2796319   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6333

This is fucking nonsense.

What Q needs the most?

Normies to wake up.

What is main obstacle for that?

MSM and Democrats.

Who is loudest? /examples/

Dianne Feinstein – Bridge to China.

Adam Schiff – Standard Hotel/Pedo trafficking.

Mark Warner – FISA/texting with Russians.

Maxine Waters – Calling for disorder.

Mockingbirds from MSM.

Hollywood pedos.

Bill Maher, Stephen Colbert..

Etc etc.


Its close to midterms, so what informations are important to wake up normies?

Rotchschilds, Payseur? Fuck no.

Memory of the crowd is approx. 2 weeks

REPEAT REPEAT REPEAT /like Trump in tweets/

Make graphics with simple facst : America sold – by HRC -by DEMS – by Feinstein

Repeat that Feinstein collude with China / with old and new facts

Repeat that Warner collude With Russians / with old and new facts

Dig more there, they was/are selling America for decades.

There is a lot of stuff we have overlook.

What they need to win midterms? Money. From whom? Follow the money / donors for candidates, at present, etc.


I am not saying to stop dig deeper for us who are awake, we have a lot of time after midterms.

But we have to focus now how to help Q to wake up as many as possible.

Maybe this post is fucking boring, but its still better then complain all day about fucking baker.

Anonymous ID: 7f1f52 Aug. 30, 2018, 6:38 a.m. No.2796423   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6444 >>6489 >>6530

What if a paper-trail exists…


PDB via No Such Agency?


PDB is Presidential Daily Briefing, No Such Agency is the National Security Agency. NSA feeds the information for the Daily Brief, and there's a paper trail of that correspondence.


HUSSEIN made aware w/ no action?


Barack Obama was made aware of the high levels of FBI/DOJ/NSA corruption but did nothing to stop it. It implicates him directly. Due to the paper trail it is provable evidence that he was complicit


Why did POTUS refuse 'select' PDBs during transition?


Who knew?


Threat assessment.


Adm Rogers?




This implies that while President Trump was the President-elect (November 9 2016 - January 19 2017), he skipped out on hearing certain Daily Briefings, as if someone told him that they would be full of intentional disinformation. Q further goes on to hint that it was Adm Rogers (Head of the NSA) and General Mike Flynn (Former Intelligence Head) who told him. This further is easy to believe given stories that Rogers was the one to let Trump know that Trump Tower was wired/being spied on, prompting the Trump Transition team to move.


Why did HUSSEIN + HRC + ADMIN + Staff + … use private emails to communicate?


Because they were trying NOT to leave a paper trail accessible by their overseers and/or Freedom Of Information Act requests.


Was HRC the only one to use unsecured server(s)?


Absolutely not. Almost all of her staff and Barack Obama's entire cabinet (including Obama) had email addresses on the Clinton Email servers


If access was granted re: HRC private server(s) can you assume access was granted re: House server(s) re: AWAN?


This is implying that, following the logic that we know that the Clinton Email Servers were used to transfer state access and secrets to China and other foreign powers, we can assume that other compromised servers were used for similar purposes as well (Specifically referring to the 'missing' House Democratic Caucus Server that Imran Awan used/stole/"lost").


AWAN>Pakistani Intelligence?


Did Awan give access to Pakistani Intelligence via the House Democratic Caucus Server?




Is Imran Awan free? He was recently given a deal to not be prosecuted for any non-violent crimes after pleading guilty to bank fraud and receiving an extremely light sentencing for someone who tried to flee the country.


Huma>Muslim Brotherhood?


Did Huma Abedin use the Clinton Email Servers to send information to the Muslim Brotherhood?


Matters of NAT SEC.


These crimes are so treasonous they actually put our National Security at risk and, as noted by Q, have actually led to several agents and operations being compromised.

Anonymous ID: 7f1f52 Aug. 30, 2018, 6:51 a.m. No.2796523   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6539 >>6651 >>6699

A paper trail DOES exist!


Look at the OIG report from May 2016, specifically pages 33-34


In March 2009, after unsuccessful efforts to supply Secretary Clinton with a secure government smartphone, DS was informed that Secretary Clinton’s staff had been asking to use BlackBerry devices inside classified areas.


The Assistant Secretary of DS then sent a classified memorandum to Secretary Clinton’s Chief of Staff that described the vulnerabilities associated with the use of BlackBerry devices and also noted the prohibition on the use of Blackberry devices in sensitive areas.


According to a DS official, shortly after the memorandum was delivered, Secretary Clinton approached the Assistant Secretary and told him she “gets it.”


The use of personal email accounts to conduct official business has been a particular concern over the past several years. For example, on March 11, 2011, the Assistant Secretary for Diplomatic Security sent a memorandum on cybersecurity threats directly to Secretary Clinton.139 A portion of the unclassified version of this memorandum states: Threat analysis by the DS cyber security team and related incident reports indicate a dramatic increase since January 2011 in attempts by [redacted] cyber actors to compromise the private home e-mail accounts of senior Department officials. …


Although the targets are unclassified, personal e-mail accounts, the likely objective is to compromise user accounts and thereby gain access to policy documents and personal information that could enable technical surveillance and possible blackmail. The personal e-mail of family members also is at risk.


The memorandum included as an attachment “a snapshot of affected Department personnel,” noting that many of the email account owners play major roles in forming diplomatic and economic policy.140 It concluded by noting, “We also urge Department users to minimize the use of personal web email for business, as some compromised home systems have been reconfigured by these actors to automatically forward copies of all composed emails to an undisclosed recipient.”


Following the March 2011 memorandum, DS cybersecurity staff conducted two cybersecurity briefings of S/ES staff, the Secretary’s immediate staff, and Bureau of Public Affairs staff in April and May 2011. OIG discovered in Secretary Clinton’s retired paper files a copy of the classified presentation used during the briefing. It contains material similar to the type provided in the March 11, 2011, memorandum.


On June 28, 2011, the Department, in a cable entitled “Securing Personal E-mail Accounts” that was approved by the Assistant Secretary for Diplomatic Security and sent over Secretary Clinton’s name to all diplomatic and consular posts, encouraged Department users “to check the security settings and change passwords of their home e-mail accounts because of recent targeting of personal email accounts by online adversaries.”141 The cable further elaborated that “recently, Google asserted that online adversaries are targeting the personal Gmail accounts of U.S. government employees.


Although the company believes it has taken appropriate steps to remediate identified activity, users should exercise caution and follow best practices in order to protect personal e-mail and prevent the compromise of government and personal information.” It then recommended best practices for Department users and their family members to follow, including “avoid conducting official Department business from your personal e-mail accounts.