Anonymous ID: b69ac7 Aug. 30, 2018, 6:45 a.m. No.2796473   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6482 >>6617

the Hagmann Report – Aug 30

show on Seth Rich,

with investigators Matt Couch & NYPD Detective Frank Whalen

They are also working on the Las Vegas shooting.


– contact info for anyone who has information or theories on this case


Twitter; (Matt Couch):

Twitter (Frank Whalen):




– whenever they speak on this they get threatened with law suits


– Seth Rich - data director of new voter registration for Democrat Party

worked in polling science, voting systems, registrations, was working on a polling app

– the speed of data removal from DNC was too fast for an internet hack

Bill Binney was one of the computer experts who verified

on the speed required to download the data from the server

– the night Seth was killed – july 2016 - out with friends, accosted in street, shot twice in torso not shot in the back;

forced to his knees, ID'd him, he got up, was shot

– we feel he was targeted and it was about the work he did

– no valuables were taken; may have taken a thumb drive from him

– there were cameras in use in that area; FOIA requests, but nothing returned

– the press stopped being interested in the progress of this case

– police haven't released any info about what happened at scene or hospital

whether he identified his shooters; so independent investigators have nothing to build on


– it took them a year to find out what hospital he went to; what ambulance was used

(couldn't figure out why it was so hard to get this info – then it began to fit –

it had been hushed becuz of high profile people -

found the location and discovered Brazille and DC Mayor were also there)

4:33 am, shot, emergency surgery and died on operating table

– zero evidence he was conscious; Mark Bueller said he was indeed talking and conscious

Mark is a neighbor and was at the scene with police; Seth was talking

– nothing was made public; no death certificate or autopsy report

– all FOIA have been denied;

– have been threatened during the investigation


– turned info over to Congress; deposition of witnesses etc

– confirmed Donna Brazille was in DC, and at the hospital around the same time

– owner of the bar keeps changing his story;

– long time elapsed between leaving bar and arriving home:

maybe on his phone with girlfriend; no phone records released

– family said Seth was broken up w/ girlfriend at time of shooting

– it is true that the FBI was investigating; looked into his computer/phone

which is odd if this was a robbery; why investigate for a street robbery

– Seth's dad mentioned that a security video exists

– it is odd to get sued by the family for investigating this murder

– police body cams are now missing (4 of the 6 officers had them on)


– who was Rod Wheeler? (family hired investigator) family sued; his case was dismissed -

Rod suggests his investigation got ruined by info being released too soon


– Julian Assange – did not directly name Seth,

just mentioned intimidation of other whistleblowers


– Sean Lucas seems also to be connected to the story

also cannot get records on this crime

however, can confirm that Sean was found face down in bathroom

was missing a tooth, and had a huge gash on his forehead, but no blood anywhere


– two six figure payments from DNC to Crowdstrike, per the FEC

July 11, 2016 = $98,849.84

and 2 payments on August 3 = $113, 645.77 and $42,075.

  1. one day after Sean Lucas was found dead (about a month after Seth)

  2. one day after Seth Rich died


– Seth Rich had roommates = one was Dob Friedman, only for 1-2 months;

who has a degree from Columbia AND Yale; was a Turkish lobbyist writing hit pieces

on the Kurds before coming back to the states; says he didn't know where Seth worked;

2 weeks later, went to work full time for Hillary for President

– Seth's brother, Aaron, was warning people not to talk about his emails, second phone

don't talk about the party – there was a party in a building w/ connections to other names


– July 4th Seth was supposed to go to the Whitehouse, he cancelled that

– July 6th, Joe Capone (manager of Louis's bar) went to the WH

– July 8th, Mayor visited WH

– July 12, the officer who took care of police body cams and video visited WH