My computer is a tablet hooked up to a lead acid battery on a solar cell. Its undeveloped land in a desert, but Wal Mart is four miles walk away.
Hand pump water and get 50 pound bags of flour delivered UPS for sourdough bread. No job, don't want one, and my income reflects it.
Goat gives milk. She eats alfalfa from a one ton large bale my Mexican friend drags off the back of his pickup.
80 chickens running free but they are mostly roosters as the coyotes eat the hens. My girlfriend has named every single one of them and talks to them, she looks at me like a murderer when I suggest eating one.
The turkey hen is named Turkenina. She is 5 and gets upset if her daily massage is missed.
Been here for seven years and still don't have a roof built. In cold and during rain we sleep in the hulk of the van which stopped running five years ago. 7 months of the year the mice run free through the van. Then the snakes move in for the rest of the year.
Heat is a small propane Mr. Heater which we fire up when temps go below freezing. Winter is as cold as 20 below Fahrenheit but we have a foot thick pile of blankets.
Life is great here, anon, no complaints. Just when this whole thing gets made into a screenplay, remember me.