Anonymous ID: a0d547 Aug. 30, 2018, 8:54 a.m. No.2797821   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7890 >>8094 >>8157

>>2797464 (lb)

What woke me up to the Jewish issue was reading wikileaks right after they started in July 2016. These were my own personal discoveries in the first seven days of reading them:


Generally regardless of author or subject matter or ethnicity (at first) or anything else my order of discovery…


  1. They do not like us (especially whites, blacks).

  2. They do not like one another.

  3. They plot and scheme all the time even about stupid shit.

  4. They tinker with everything.

  5. Lawyers.

  6. Lawyers. Every.Damn.Time. then I noticed an underlying matter

  7. Jewish lawyers.

  8. Jews.

  9. Jews. Every. Damn. Time.


One week it took me.I had no idea. So stupid of me. You'd better face-palm rabbi…I've gone from 0-60 in 24 months. YOUR FAULT.


The Congress is totally under their thumb. Their antisemitism awareness legislation is all premised on lies and 30 pieces: the jews promote and fund and commit hate crimes themselves, blame it on whites and propose hate crime legislation and their pigs and dogs in the Senate all 100 of them vote for it. ALL 100. Same as in S.C. where Tim Scott and Trey Gowdy shill for one another.