Anonymous ID: 0f89d3 Aug. 30, 2018, 9:28 a.m. No.2798566   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>2798162 (previous thread)

Q, you are WRONG to hide No Name's sins.

Cowardly error to think the TRUTH will harmfully disrupt our great nation.

Pound the TRUTH into the cry bullies and educate them.

Reveal EVERY bit of depraved sin of all the Cabal.

Otherwise it will repeat. Cut off its head, stake it.

KILL IT FOREVER with the truth.

Anonymous ID: 0f89d3 Aug. 30, 2018, 9:43 a.m. No.2798897   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Many anons are furious and telling Q off with the truth. Good. We are not a cult. We do not worship anything but God and the Truth.


Q Team has made an error thinking national security is enhanced by burying the truth. Sure the cry bullies will have a fit, but so what? They are WRONG.


Q has said before they are worried about imperiling national security by telling the normies too much. It is a legitimate concern with so many crazies going off the deep end at very little info.

BUT even if all the SJW riot, the TRUTH needs to be fully disclosed. Stupid to worry about the masses going nuts if they are WRONG. Quell them, educate them.


Q will get this message; the autists are in an uproar.


What is most important to an autist, above all else? The Truth. Period.