Anonymous ID: 1b7581 Aug. 30, 2018, 9:22 a.m. No.2798423   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8455

Vatican Secretary Of State: Pope Francis 'Serene' Despite Allegations Against Him


In an interview with Vatican Insider, the Vatican's secretary of state stated that Pope Francis is "serene" despite the "bitterness and concern" in the Vatican caused by allegations that Francis covered up for ex-cardinal Theodore McCarrick, who is accused of sexual misconduct.


Vatican Insider asked Cardinal Pietro Parolin, who was accused of participating in the alleged cover-up, “How is the Holy Father after these difficult last days?”


Parolin answered, "I saw a statement from the Vatican press office that says the Pope is peaceful. From what I saw (these days, I was with him during the trip to Ireland and after) it seems serene. The Pope is a great grace, even in the face of these things that obviously create so much bitterness and even restlessness. But he has the ability to have a very peaceful approach.”

Anonymous ID: 1b7581 Aug. 30, 2018, 9:23 a.m. No.2798451   🗄️.is 🔗kun

thats why you dont throw money at these liars


'Truth REFUND'? Some Donors To Cohen 'Truth Fund' Want Money Back After His Lawyer Admits To False Claims


"If it is possible to get the money back, I would appreciate this."


When Lanny Davis first announced that he'd created the "Michael Cohen Truth Fund" to help pay for some of the expenses of his embattled client's crusade to "tell the truth about Donald Trump," he initially inspired more groans than donations. But after a week, the GoFundMe page managed to amass over $165,000 amid Davis suggesting that his client had some damning info on Trump and Russian "collusion."


But after Davis admitted to making false claims to multiple outlets about what his client does or doesn't know about Trump and Russia, at least a few of Davis' donors are calling on him to offer a refund.