he's not..nazis are just commies with another name..
fuck off hitlerfanboy.
will watch.
so you're racist?
that's not true..you're dumb if you think it's that simple..maybe that's why you're such a hitlerfanboy..
you can distinct between races like your id does..that would, per your definition make the US a racist country.
but the distinction between races is not equivalent to view one race inferior to another. just the distinction between visable features is not racist. to think white/black/brown/yellow/kike people are 'better' because they are white/black/brown/yellow/kike. that's pure nonsense. i'm not saying they need to live together under any circumstance. don't get me wrong. thatt's the so called honeytrap you dumb people fall into because you are not able to differenciate between ethnic features or moral values. which most don't even know. the racism you're describing is the crap dumb people fall for because they are plain dumb and nothing more..don't watch too much hitlervideos on jewtube..your brain gets all foggy. i've seen many of them..and if you're still not paying attention and you're not able to see that there are jews that suffer or negros who don't wanna gangbang around or mexicans that love the republic and what it stands for then you're wrong here..is basically what i'm saying..if you're just a jerk with a fuckin hitlerfanboy steel helmet then what else is there that gives you pleasure in your sad life?
learn to love what the republic stands for.
read the constitution. again and again. until you understand why negros FOUGHT FOR IT.
dumb shill.