Anonymous ID: 64d202 Aug. 30, 2018, 10 a.m. No.2799318   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9740

Re: Dink/Green Mind - connected to Kent State Massacre


According to the Kent State Truth Tribunal, the truth is that the FBI caused the massacre as part

of its then-secret COINTELPRO anti-war activism program. Though there was no massacre, the

rest of this theory may be true: the FBI may have been on the scene, assisting with the hoax as


If the FBI hoaxed the massacre, we can simply read mainstream conspiracy theory as fact, except

for the part about the killings being real. In an article titled “Uncovering the Kent State CoverUp”

for Counterpunch, Laurel all but admits that the massacre itself was a hoax:

In 2010, compelling forensic evidence emerged showing that the Federal Bureau of

Investigation (FBI) and the Counter Intelligence Program (COINTELPRO) were the lead

agencies in managing Kent State government operations…

At Kent State… the US federal government, the state of Ohio, and the Ohio National

Guard (ONG) executed their plans to silence antiwar protest in America…

…the US government took complete control of the narrative in the press and ensuing


…The result of these efforts has been a very complicated government cover-up that has

remained intact for more than forty years.1

How refreshingly candid! Of course they are implying that government agencies conspired to

massacre, when the truth is that they conspired to hoax a massacre. But otherwise, we can read

this stuff straight.

According to Dr. Elaine Wellin, an eyewitness to the many events at Kent State leading

up to and including May 4th, there were uniformed and plain-clothes officers potentially

involved in managing the burning of the ROTC building. Wellin was in close proximity

to the building just prior to the burning and saw a person with a walkie-talkie about three

feet from her telling someone on the other end of the communication that they should not

send down the fire truck as the ROTC building was not on fire yet.


Ok, so the burning of the ROTC building—the pretext for calling in the National Guard at Kent

State - was done, without subterfuge, by government agents, with the intention of manufacturing

a crisis. That’s what I would expect in a hoax. Thanks, Laurel!

only days after the Kent State massacre, every weapon that was fired was destroyed, and

all other weapons used at Kent State were gathered by top ONG officers, placed with

other weapons and shipped to Europe for use by North Atlantic Treaty Organization

(NATO), so no weapons used at Kent could be traced.

The above would make sense only if the weapons were never fired. Since there was no dispute

over the number or nature of rounds fired by the National Guard from either side of the conflict,

there’d be no reason to destroy the weapons if the weapons had actually been fired as claimed.

Using the playbook from the Huston Plan, which refers to protesting students as the

“New Left,” the US government employed provocateurs, staged incidents, and enlisted

political leaders…

Here she says the government staged incidents at Kent State. But she doesn’t say how much was

staged, which leaves open the possibility that the entire massacre was staged. That’s what I call


A quick search of “COINTELPRO Kent State” yielded the following useful information about

the leadup to the hoax:

But the Cleveland field office … had continually monitored the campus, as well as all

those in North Ohio, under its COINTELPRO (“Counterintelligence Program: Internal

Security: Disruption of the New Left”). …

…the Bureau went to the Portage County Prosecutor’s Office on March 24, 1970, to

obtain fresh profiles of Howard Emmer, Colin Neiburger, Edward O. Erickson, and

Jeff Powell, the four SDS leaders arrested at Music and Speech the previous year, who

were due to be released on April 29 – the day before Nixon announced the Cambodia

invasion. [five days before the massacre]

On the SDS page at Wikipedia, we find:

The Federal Bureau of Investigation (mainly through its secret COINTELPRO) and other

law enforcement agencies were often exposed as having spies and informers in the


We can simplify this considerably: the SDS, supposedly a national student organization, was

actually run by the FBI through its secret COINTELPRO program. I encourage you to read the

entire SDS Wikipedia page, look away, and then try to summarize what principles SDS stood for,

and what actions it took during its existence. It looks like an ever-shifting incomprehensible

mess of petty political infighting to me. You have to wonder if that was intentional. [It was.]


  • from The Kent State Massacre Never Happened

by Anon