Anonymous ID: 94f516 Aug. 30, 2018, 10:15 a.m. No.2799695   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Legit concerns about the amount of truth revealed:


Q says about 40% will be revealed to the public and that only about 4-6% of the population is forever lost. How deep will 40% be? The 1984/globalization plan is common knowledge to anyone even slightly redpilled, and pedo/human trafficking shit is just scratching the surface of the depraved acts (((they))) are involved in. Will all that be exposed? Will the tangled web and systemic operations of the cabal be revealed so the public isn't just left to believe it was a few deeply corrupt individuals?


I want the Republic to remain strong and healthy for as long as possible so my future children or grandchildren aren't caught up in a fight like this in just a couple generations. I want government to be regarded as something dangerous if not kept in check. I want Communism to FINALLY be banished to the dustbin of history, reviled as deeply as Nazism currently is and only believed in by a lunatic fringe (and Satanism, for that matter). Will the 40% that gets dropped on the public be enough to achieve that?


Not trying to concernfag, legitimately interested in a having a discussion about this.