Found this magazine NEWSMAX while i was at the laundromat liked this article. Aug 2018
“Dutch and Donald”
(A couple of Quotes)
“Without Ronald Reagan, there would be no GOP today - at least not as we know it - grounded in freedom as its organizing principle.”
“Be great in act, as you have been in thought.”
“Reagan, in the elections of 1980 and 1984, wanted to bring conservative Democrats into the GOP fold. It was a New Republican Party he sought to create, one that would, in his words, “have room for the man and woman in the factories, for the farmer, for the cop on the beat and the millions of Americans who may never have thought of joining our party before, but whose interests coincide with those represented by principled Republicanism”
“Reagan Democrats”
“Questioned authority”
“Today, much of the country either ignores the elites, or even mocks them.”
“A light has been cast, begun by Ronald Reagan, and common sense now prevails.”