Anonymous ID: acf52e Aug. 30, 2018, 10:29 a.m. No.2800018   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0022 >>0183

Andrew Cuomo Received $25,000 Donation From Weinstein Law Firm Before Halting His Sexual Assault Case


Andrew Cuomo, the corrupt Governor of New York halted a sexual assault case into Harvey Weinstein 6 days after receiving a $25,000 donation from Weinstein’s law firm.


On June 20th, Manhattan law firm who formerly represented Weinstein, Boies Schiller & Flexner, donated $25,000 to Governor Cuomo’s campaign–less than a week later, Cuomo called off the NY Attorney General’s investigation into Manhattan DA Cyrus Vance for deciding not to prosecute Weinstein for a 2015 groping accusation, The New York Post reported.


Weinstein was previously represented by David Boies — whose firm was caught in a conflict-of-interest debacle after the New Yorker published its bombshell report on the slew of sexual-assault allegations against the producer.


Boies’ firm had hired and paid private investigative companies to dig up dirt on Weinstein accusers — while at the same time representing the New York Times, which also published a report on the Weinstein allegations.


A spokesperson for Boiles Schiller & Flexner — which also made a $25,000 contribution to Cuomo’s re-election campaign in 2017 — defended the donations.


“Neither Mr. Boies, nor anyone from his firm, ever discussed Harvey Weinstein or Mr. Vance with Mr. Cuomo, or anyone from his office, at any time,” the spokesperson told online political publication Capital and Main. “Mr. Boies is a longtime supporter of Mr. Cuomo and his contribution in June was consistent with his contributions to Mr. Cuomo over years past.”


Vance came under fire after it was revealed he received $55,000 in campaign contributions from Boies — including $10,000 after Manhattan’s top prosecutor opted not to charge Weinstein.


Cuomo told The Post, “The attorney general’s investigation was suspended to avoid situations in which Weinstein’s defense attorneys would be able to constantly petition the attorney general’s office for information about what they uncovered and undermine a criminal prosecution.”


Harvey Weinstein surrendered to New York Police in May and appeared for his arraignment in a Manhattan court in July.

Anonymous ID: acf52e Aug. 30, 2018, 10:29 a.m. No.2800025   🗄️.is 🔗kun





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Anonymous ID: acf52e Aug. 30, 2018, 10:31 a.m. No.2800044   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0087 >>0673

Trump Orders Pay-Freeze For All Non-Military Federal Employees In 2019


Government Worker wages rose just over 2% in the last year (while private sector workers saw wages rise over 5%), but President Trump has "determined that for 2019, both across-the-board pay increases and locality pay increases will be set at zero," for non-military federal employees.

Anonymous ID: acf52e Aug. 30, 2018, 10:32 a.m. No.2800063   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Wells Fargo Fires Over A Dozen Bankers For Doctoring Expense Receipts


In what may be the most innocent violation to emerge out of Wells Fargo in years, the WSJ reports that Wells has fired or suspended more than a dozen employees in its investment bank and is investigating dozens of others over violations of the company’s expense policy regarding after-hours meals.


According to the report, Wells Fargo employees ranging from analysts to managing directors in New York, San Francisco and Charlotte, doctored receipts on dinners that they charged to the bank.


“We became aware that certain Wells Fargo Securities team members were not complying with the after-hours meals reimbursement policies after they were brought to the attention of our leaders by concerned team members,” a Wells Fargo spokeswoman said in a statement. “We took action to address the issue and we continue to investigate the matter.”


Wells Fargo, like most other big banks, reimburses staffers for food that they order when they have to stay late at the office to work on deals and other assignments for clients. Some bankers have been known to fabricate the receipts entirely, getting reimbursement cash for a "meal" that was never ordered.


In this particular case, the violation was far less serious: as the WSJ reports, executives within the investment-bank division learned that some employees regularly placed dinner orders through delivery services like GrubHub, Seamless or Square’s Caviar earlier than the policy allowed, the people said. Later, employees allegedly altered the time stamps on emailed receipts to make their meals eligible for reimbursement.


That discovery kicked off an internal review into months of expense filings that resulted in employees being fired or placed on administrative leave and that caused a delay in bonuses that were due to analysts earlier this summer, the people said. Since May, at least nine Wells Fargo analysts and associates have been terminated or have resigned voluntarily after the bank alleged they altered their meal receipts, according to a review of Financial Industry Regulatory Authority records. Banks generally have 30 days to update Finra records.

Anonymous ID: acf52e Aug. 30, 2018, 10:34 a.m. No.2800103   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0673

Here’s the List: The Top Ten Instances where the Deep State FBI, DOJ and CIA Spies Attempted to Set Up the Trump Campaign and Administration


The Deep State flourished under President Obama. After eight years in office the Deep State wasn’t only spying on the Trump Campaign and anyone related to it, the Deep State was inserting spies into the Trump campaign in efforts to set them up for crimes.


Below is our list of Deep State actions where they were trying to set the Trump campaign up for potential crimes –

Anonymous ID: acf52e Aug. 30, 2018, 10:38 a.m. No.2800182   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0257 >>0673



Facebook removed an NPR article posted to their platform Wednesday morning, claiming it was spam. The article itself questioned the number of school shootings that actually took place during the 2015–2016 school year.


The article, which was published on Monday, is titled, “The School Shootings That Weren’t.”


It discussed 235 school shootings counted by the Federal Government during the 2015–2016 school year. NPR reporters tried to independently verify that all of these actually occurred, they could only confirm 11. Of the 235 school shootings recorded by the government, 161 told NPR that no shooting actually occurred, and the other 71 school shootings could not be confirmed.

Anonymous ID: acf52e Aug. 30, 2018, 10:39 a.m. No.2800201   🗄️.is 🔗kun

First oil delivery to China through petro-yuan settlement set for September


In the first physical settlement of the Chinese yuan-denominated oil futures contract, five companies will deliver a total of 600,000 barrels of Middle Eastern crude grades to buyers of the September futures contract.


China’s crude oil futures launched in March, with crude set for delivery in September, the first month which the Shanghai International Energy Exchange (INE) designated for deliveries in order to allow the contract to develop and accumulate volumes for physical delivery.


The deliverability, the volume, and smooth process will be key to China fulfilling its ambition to have the yuan-priced oil futures contract become a major crude benchmark on a global scale like the Brent and WTI benchmarks, analysts told Reuters.


The first such test will be next month, during which Chinese companies, including state-held majors, will deliver oil against the Chinese oil futures contract to storage facilities that are among the eight sites that the Shanghai exchange has approved for cargo delivery in the futures contract, according to sources.


Unipec, the trading unit of Asia’s biggest refiner Sinopec, plans to deliver some 200,000 barrels of Iraqi grade Basra Light to Sinopec-held storage tanks at an island off the eastern province of Zhejiang.


Each of CNPC Fuel Oil, Zhenhua Oil, and unidentified private firm will deliver 100,000 barrels of Basra Light into CNPC Fuel Oil-operated storage farm in the southern port of Zhanjiang, while CNPC’s trading arm Chinaoil will deliver 100,000 barrels of Oman crude to storage tanks in the northeastern city of Dalian, the sources said.


It is not immediately known who will be taking the oil that the companies will deliver against the yuan-denominated oil futures contract.


Analysts have flagged storage costs in China as one of the problems that traders could face in the delivery mechanism of the Chinese oil futures contract. Storage costs in China are much higher than elsewhere. The reason for the higher cost is limited storage capacity availability and the requirement that the cargo be stored at a specific storage facility rather than at any available.

Anonymous ID: acf52e Aug. 30, 2018, 10:41 a.m. No.2800251   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0342

College rules that conservative group’s 9/11 memorial posters are offensive and upsetting to Muslims


A college bias team at Ripon College has determined that a conservative group’s 9/11 memorial posters are unacceptable because they may have the potential of upsetting students with Muslim backgrounds.

What’s on this poster, anyway?


The poster from the Young America’s Foundation features a nine-square grid featuring imagery of terrorist attacks carried out by Islamic radicals. Some of the incidents depicted on the poster include images from the 9/11 bombings, an Islamic State beheading, and the USS Cole bombing.


In the center of the grid, text reading “Never Forget” can be seen.


What’s the controversy?


The bias team at Ripon College, a liberal arts college in Ripon, Wisconsin, determined that YAF’s “Never Forget” posters are against the school’s policy — but the conservative group maintains that the imagery on the posters is zeroed in on Islamic terrorism and not targeting Muslims at large.


On Tuesday, members of YAF met with the school’s campus bias team where a campus official reportedly declared that the campaign’s posters zeroed in “relentlessly on one religious organization, one religious group, one religious identity.”


The official purportedly added, “In associating that one religious identity with terrorist attacks, which go back far before 9/11 and after 9/11, creates for some students here an environment which they feel like they are not able to learn.”


The official reportedly noted that the posters simply create an environment in which “students from a Muslim background would feel singled out” or “harassed.”


Another official reportedly said that the campaign poster adds nothing to “the conversation about 9/11, or about the politics of terrorism, or about national security, or responses to it that couldn’t be done easily and more constructive without [the poster].”


The Young America’s Foundation obtained an audio recording of the meeting, according to The College Fix.

Anything else?


Spencer Brown, Young America’s Foundation spokesman, told The College Fix that the annual 9/11 memorial program isn’t new and is intended for college campuses.


“The original need for us to create this project dates back to 2003, when we saw schools trying to sanitize 9/11 and not talk about who committed these terrorist acts,” Brown said.


Hannah Krueger, Young America’s Foundation’s chapter president, told the outlet that 2017 was even worse.


“Last year many posters were torn down and destroyed,” Krueger told the outlet. “The posters went before the student judiciary board and they found them to be in compliance with the poster posting policy. It is only this bias protocol team that finds them to be inappropriate and racist.”


She revealed that the bias team told the conservative group that 2017’s posters were simply offensive, and during the Tuesday meeting, administrators reportedly implied that the group would not be able to hang the posters this year, even if they were to be modified to reflect terrorist acts not perpetrated by Islamic radicalists.


“[I]t was implied we could not put up the posters,” Krueger said. “We offered to add images to the poster to make it showcase even more terrorist attacks, those executed by non-Muslims. This was said to try and assuage their complaints about it being biased. They said it would only appear as an afterthought and they heavily implied the current posters could not be put up. They wanted us to spend the time to create a whole new one. Something us college students don’t have with only two weeks of notice.”


Krueger added that she believes the school’s bias team is being unreasonable. She also said she feels those with opposing viewpoints are targeting the conservative group.


“I firmly believe our conservative viewpoints are being targeted,” she said. “If others put up a poster that offends me or challenges my viewpoint, I simply try to open a discussion with them or fairly debate their viewpoints, not call upon a bias protocol board to step in and highly discourage the poster with potential consequences.”

Anonymous ID: acf52e Aug. 30, 2018, 10:48 a.m. No.2800367   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0381 >>0565

Amidst Sex Abuse Coverup Scandal, Pope Francis Tweets That It's His Job To ‘Communicate A Lifestyle’…Then Deletes It


On Thursday, even as he continued his silence with regard to accusations that he helped cover up sexual abuse within the Catholic Church from top-ranking members of the Vatican hierarchy, Pope Francis took to Twitter to issue another of his cryptically new-agey nostrums: “We Christians are not selling a product. We are communicating a lifestyle.”


This tweet drew the ire and mockery of thousands of users, who pointed out first that the Pope’s language was vaguely reminiscent of a “Mad Men” advertising agency, and second that the Pope’s latest communiques hadn’t exactly communicated a valuable lifestyle. The Pope then deleted his tweet and replaced it with this, slightly less Hollywood version:


This isn’t much better, since the Pope’s latest commitment to communicating life involves avoiding charges that he reinstated public status to a cardinal credibly accused of preying on seminarians as well as male minors. But Francis’ declarations on Twitter have been cause for consternation for some time – he doesn’t use his 17.8 million-strong followership to promote Catholic doctrine, but to repeat phrases bound not to offend. So, for example, here were his tweets this week:


Now, if this were Pope Benedict XVI tweeting empty phraseology amidst accusations of covering up child molestation, there’s little doubt the media would be eating him alive. Instead, the media are covering for Francis, playing him as a victim of conservatives who simply wish to strike back at his liberation theology politics. Here’s Reuters today:


It’s telling that the Pope’s greatest defenders these days are media outlets that despise Biblical Christianity. All of which suggests that the media’s agenda here isn’t the defense of children or objective journalism, but advocacy on behalf of a Vatican hierarchy promoting political progressivism under the guise of the most powerful religious institution on the planet.

Anonymous ID: acf52e Aug. 30, 2018, 10:49 a.m. No.2800390   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0673

Moscow Says Syria Is Ready To Accept One Million Returning Refugees



On Tuesday, the Russian defense minister, Sergei Shoigu, announced that Syria will be ready to accept one million returning refugees, AFP reports.


Shoigu claimed that one million refugees have already returned since 2015 "when towns and villages started to be freed." But now, he says, "Huge infrastructure reconstruction work is ongoing, the rebuilding of transport routes and security points so that Syria can begin accepting refugees."


"Now every opportunity has been created for the return of roughly one million (more) refugees," said Shoigu.


Russia, an ally of Syria, has provided military assistance to Syrian dictator President Bashar al-Assad to reestablish power in the country after it faced violence from the Syrian Civil War beginning in 2011 and the growth of ISIS. Since then, the regime has recaptured two-thirds of its territory with the help of Russia. The last enclave for the rebels is in the Idlib province, but government troops are reportedly preparing for an offensive.


According to the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, over 5.6 million fled Syria since 2011 to neighboring countries and 6.6 million are internally displaced, making it the biggest refugee crisis since WWII.


The majority of the refugees fled to countries in the region, including Turkey (3.5 million), Lebanon (976,000), Jordan (668,000), Iraq (249,000), and Egypt (130,000). An additional one million refugees fled to Europe as asylum seekers, half of whom went to Germany, according to Pew Research.

Anonymous ID: acf52e Aug. 30, 2018, 10:52 a.m. No.2800448   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0458 >>0673 >>0689

Bokhari: Google Is Trump’s Most Dangerous Enemy


After criticizing social media platforms for mass-censoring conservatives and the alternative media earlier this month, President Trump has turned his attention to Google. Not a moment too soon — of all the politically biased tech giants, Google is by far the most dangerous.


Trump’s critical comments about Google referenced statistics from a report in PJ Media which found that a staggering 96 percent of search results for “Trump” return results from news sites that are hostile to the President. Breitbart News’ own investigation found the same result.


As Google search results are personalized, this wasn’t a strictly scientific study — that would require tests on hundreds, if not thousands of Google users. But the fact that a conservative columnist received search results that were 96 percent liberal should be deeply worrying. If that’s what a conservative with a (presumably) conservative search history sees, what kind of results are being sent to swing-voters?


The fact that it could be a problem of all search engines, not just Google, due to the way search algorithms detect “trustworthy” content is true, but Google holds a stranglehold on the search market. It’s closest english-language competitor, Bing, holds 7 percent of the market for searches according to NetMarketShare.


Another obvious problem with Google search is how its algorithm repeatedly surfaces information from Wikipedia at the top of search results. Wikipedia is an “online encyclopedia” that relies on a mass of anonymous, unaccountable editors to create its myriad of pages. The encyclopedia’s citation rules, which favor academic and establishment media sources while excluding sources like Breitbart News and the Daily Caller as “unreliable” inherently favor the left.


So too does its cabal of unaccountable left-wing editors, who are slowly but surely turning the purportedly non-partisan encyclopedia into a platform for anti-Trump propaganda. Wikipedia editors recently added Trump to a list of advocates of the “white genocide conspiracy theory” following his comments on the racially motivated murders of white farmers in South Africa. They previously included ICE detention centers on a Wikipedia list of “concentration camps.” The result of Google’s reliance on a far-left encyclopedia is that false information – fake news, you could say – has the potential to reach the top of the search engine’s results, like the time when the California GOP were labeled a “Nazi” party on Wikipedia, a categorization that then made its way to Google.


While Google leaps to address individual scandals like the California GOP, don’t expect any fundamental changes to address bias — the company is fundamentally hostile to Trump and to Trumpism. After all, this is a company whose senior management was on the verge of tears following his election victory. Furthermore, the company has quite publicly announced their intention to pour millions of dollars into propping up the legacy media, including direct funding of far-left anti-Trump publications like Vox.


Election-swinging power


If Google’s well-documented far-left biases are trickling into its search algorithm, what is the worst that could happen? If recent research is to be believed, the worst would be no more election victories for conservative candidates — ever.


The research, led by former Psychology Today editor Dr. Robert Epstein shows that when presented with negative search results about a candidate, the opinions of undecided voters shift against that candidate by a staggering 43.4 percent — enough to swing virtually any election. Epstein’s earlier research suggests that Google already biased its search results towards Hillary Clinton in 2016, shifting up to 2.6 million votes in her favor (just below the margin by which she won the popular vote).


Google’s upper management has, in the past, been brazen about its political biases. Eric Schmidt, CEO of Google parent company Alphabet in 2016, set up a shadowy organization called “The Groundwork” aimed at harnessing the expertise of Silicon Valley to put Hillary Clinton in the White House. In a 2014 email leaked by WikiLeaks, Clinton campaign manager John Podesta also claimed that Schmidt wanted to be “head outside adviser” to the Clinton campaign.


It’s impossible to say for sure if Google is deliberately stacking its search results against Trump. And that’s the entire problem — the company is not currently required to be transparent about its algorithms, who’s in charge of them, and what their biases are. Given the vast power that this company has accumulated — the power to “organize the world’s information”, as the company’s own mission statement reads — how can this be allowed to continue?

Anonymous ID: acf52e Aug. 30, 2018, 10:54 a.m. No.2800471   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Detroit School District Shuts Off Drinking Water After 16 Schools Test Positive for Copper, Lead


Less than a week before the new school year, the Detroit Public Schools Community District (DPSCD) announced Wednesday it would shut off drinking water in all schools after tests at 16 turned up high levels of copper or lead, The Detroit News reported Wednesday.


"Although we have no evidence that there are elevated levels of copper or lead in our other schools where we are awaiting test results, out of an abundance of caution and concern for the safety of our students and employees, I am turning off all drinking water in our schools until a deeper and broader analysis can be conducted to determine the long-term solutions for all schools," DPSCD Superintendent Nikolai Vitti said in a statement reported by The Detroit Free Press.


Vitti said he immediately turned off water Tuesday at the 16 schools that tested positively and had provided water bottles until water coolers could be delivered, The Detroit News reported.


Vitti began water testing at all 106 of the DPSCD's schools this spring independent of any federal, state or city requirement, The Detroit Free Press reported. He said this round of testing would be the first to evaluate every source of water in the schools, including sinks and drinking fountains.


When test results came back for the initial 24 schools tested, there were already 18 schools where water had been shut off due to water quality concerns. Tuesday's shut-off of the 16 schools that tested positively raises the total tally of schools with shut-off water to 34.


District spokesperson Chrystal Wilson said the remaining schools' water will be shut off before school starts the Tuesday after Labor Day, according to The Detroit Free Press.


Detroit Mayor Mike Duggan's Office and the Detroit Health Department published a statement supporting Vitti's water testing efforts.


"We are fully supportive of the approach Dr. Vitti has taken to test all water sources within DPS schools and to provide bottled water until the district can implement a plan to ensure that all water is safe for use," the statement said, according to The Detroit News.


Officials think the problem comes from old school water fixtures, and not from the water's external source, The Associated Press reported.


A report released in May said that the DPSCD would need to spend $500 million now to improve school facilities, and Vitti, who became superintendent in May 2017, has criticized the state-appointed emergency managers who ran the district from 2009 to 2016 for not investing in necessary improvements.


"It's sending the message to students, parents and employees that we really don't care about public education in Detroit, that we allow for second-class citizenry in Detroit," Vitti said in May, according to The Detroit Free Press. "And that hurts my heart and it angers me and it frustrates me that I can't fix it right now."


It was also state-appointed emergency managers who sparked the water crisis in nearby Flint, Michigan when they decided to save money by sourcing the city's water from the corrosive Flint River, which leeched lead from old pipes into drinking water.

Anonymous ID: acf52e Aug. 30, 2018, 11:02 a.m. No.2800615   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0641 >>0655 >>0689

White Helmets Kidnapped 44 Children To Stage Chemical Attack in Idlib: Syrian Foreign Minister


The White Helmets have kidnapped 44 children in Idlib to use in a staged chemical weapons attack in the militant-held part of this Syrian province, Syrian Foreign Minister and Deputy Prime Minister Walid Muallem stated following talks with his Russian counterpart Sergey Lavrov.


“Behind the creation of the pseudo-organization the White Helmets, are the British special services: they sponsor them, they lead them. They were behind the organization of those fabricated scenarios for the use of chemical weapons and now they are preparing such a development of the situation with the use of chemical weapons in Idlib,” Muallem said.


The minister also emphasized that the Syrian military does not possess such weapons and there is no need for the Syrian army to use any kind of such weapons to defeat terrorists in the country.


“We are in the last step to put an end the crisis in our country and liberate our entire territory from terrorism,” he noted. “The US, UK and France are not happy with the failure of their plot in Syria, so they want to attack it from outside the UN Security Council in order to foil the political process, offer assistance to Jabhat al-Nusra terrorist organization and prolong the crisis. Therefore, we have the legitimate right to defend ourselves and the aggressor States will bear the disastrous consequences due to their aggression.”


Earlier, the Russian Defense Ministry warned that Idlib militants and the White Helments assisted by foreign intelligence are preparing to stage a chemical attack in Idlib province to accuse the Syrian government and create a pretext for a US-led missile strike on government factilities in Syria. The US military has already prepared a strike force to attack the country.

Anonymous ID: acf52e Aug. 30, 2018, 11:03 a.m. No.2800641   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Lavrov says terrorists’ use of Idlib for attacks on Russian, Syrian troops unacceptable


MOSCOW, August 30. /TASS/. The situation when terrorists are using Syria’s Idlib province as a staging ground for attacks on the positions of Syrian troops and Russia’s Hmeimim air base is unacceptable, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said following talks with his Syrian counterpart Walid Muallem.


"It is unacceptable when terrorists who are gathered there, first and foremost, members of the Jabhat al-Nusra terror group [outlawed in Russia - TASS], try to use this de-escalation zone to carry out attacks on the positions of the Syrian Army and target Russia’s Hmeimim air base with drones," Lavrov said.

Strong warning to West


Moscow has sent a clear and strong warning to the West against playing with fire in the Syrian province of Idlib, Lavrov said.


"It is no secret that not everyone is happy with progress in resolving the Syrian issue, fighting against terrorism and creating conditions for the return of refugees," Lavrov said. "Attempts are being made to impede these processes and use various provocateurs, including extremists and well-known provocateurs calling themselves the White Helmets, who are famous for staging chemical weapons attacks and blaming them on the Syrian government in order to provide the western countries with an excuse to carry out attacks on Syria," the Russian top diplomat pointed out.


"Another provocation is being prepared in order to impede plans to carry out an anti-terrorist operation in Idlib," he said. "Our Defense and Foreign Ministries presented facts to send a clear and strong warning to our western counterparts against playing with fire," Lavrov added


"We call on everyone, including the Arab states, Europe and the US, to pool their efforts to make sure that Syria is a peaceful and stable country, instead of developing unilateral political projects," he went on to say. "Stability in Syria is particularly important for ensuring security and prosperity in the entire Middle East and North Africa," he noted.


According to the Russian foreign minister, Moscow and Damascus also agreed to continue coordinating their activities aimed at resolving the situation in Syria.


Idlib is the only Syrian province still controlled by illegal armed groups. In 2017, a de-escalation zone was established in the region, where militants reluctant to lay down their arms can move together with their families. According to United Nations Special Envoy for Syria Staffan de Mistura, Idlib currently hosts about 10,000 militants from the Jabhat al-Nusra and Al-Qaeda terror groups (both outlawed in Russia).


On Wednesday, Lavrov expressed hope that western countries would refrain from impeding plans to conduct an anti-terrorist operation against Jabhat al-Nusra in Idlib.

Reconciliation in Idlib


Damascus is making steps to arrange local reconciliation in Idlib Governorate with the paramilitary units, the leaders of which are seeking to break away from the Jabhat al-Nusra terrorist grouping, Lavrov said.


"Our Syrian friends shared with us the information on the progress of their efforts to arrange more local reconciliations with the armed units stranded in Idlib and willing to break away from Jabhat al-Nusra, as well as on the efforts to ensure civilians’ security in that zone of de-escalation," he said.

