Anonymous ID: 833903 Aug. 30, 2018, 11:40 a.m. No.2801224   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1247


What are you saying? Does not sound like "We the People." Despite a majority calling for revelation, the government will still make the final choice. No change, different master. Any argument against mine is the short-sighted views of maintaining the same entities to run the global systems or rename, put different people in them, or different agents of power. "We the People" are obtaining little freedom because protecting institutions and systems are being perpetrated as an end all instead of total reformation of the certain organizations. Fail safes should be in place for this. The frozen assets should compensate and fund new networks. Secret plans should be in place to throw up new systems, not work in corrupted ones. New masters making final decisions. People need to know the truth and justice must be served. It may have to be brutal, but do you think eating children is not brutal, pimping children not brutal, torturing children not brutal, and murdering children not brutal. Breaking up families not heinous. There should be firing squads to remind murderous evil do at your peril because people do care. Are is your new justice another form of Bullshit to leverage and blackmail people into submission and control the population!