Anonymous ID: 97607f Aug. 30, 2018, 11:17 a.m. No.2800825   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0859 >>0886





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Anonymous ID: 97607f Aug. 30, 2018, 11:19 a.m. No.2800863   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Zarif slams Netanyahu for ‘shameless’ threat of ‘nuclear annihilation’ against Iran


Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif has fired back at “warmonger” Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu for threatening Iran with “atomic annihilation” right from the regime’s secretive atomic weapons facility.


Speaking during a ceremony at the Dimona nuclear arms facility in the Negev desert on Wednesday, Netanyahu had claimed that the occupying entity faces threats from near and far.


“Those who threaten to wipe us out put themselves in a similar danger, and in any event will not achieve their goal,” he said. “But our enemies know very well what Israel is capable of doing. They are familiar with our policy. Whoever tries to hurt us – we hurt them,” said Netanyahu.


Hours later, Zarif took to Twitter to respond to the hawkish Israeli premier’s highly aggressive threat, which came on the same day that the world nations were observing the International Day against Nuclear Tests.


“Iran, a country without nuclear weapons, is threatened with atomic annihilation by a warmonger standing next to an actual nuclear weapons factory,” tweeted the top Iranian diplomat, describing Netanyahu’s statements as “beyond shameless.”

Anonymous ID: 97607f Aug. 30, 2018, 11:23 a.m. No.2800917   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Veteran Labour MP Frank Field Resigns, Slams Anti-Semitism and ‘Racist Party’


The veteran pro-Brexit Labour MP Frank Field has resigned from his party, citing anti-Semitism linked to leader Jeremy Corbyn and “intolerance, nastiness and intimidation” from the hard left.


“It saddens me to say that we are increasingly seen as a racist party. This issue alone compels me to resign the whip,” wrote Mr Field in his resignation letter, blasting Jeremy Corbyn for denying his words and actions have been anti-Semitic.


Mr Field has been the representative for Birkenhead since 1979 and will now serve as an independent, sparking fears that more members of parliament could follow him. More than 35,000 people recently signed a petition calling for Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn to resign.


The letter, sent to Labour’s chief whip Nick Brown this Thursday and seen by the New Statesman, adds:


“Britain fought the Second World War to banish these [anti-Semetic] views from our politics, but that superhuman effort and success is now under huge and sustained internal attack.”


The second reason cited by the MP is the hostile culture of the hard left in Labour, with him describing “numerous complaints about the thuggish conduct of some members” and “a willful denial”.


The party’s failure to take action “legitimise[s] appalling levels of bullying and intimidation of lifelong Labour supporters”, he claimed.

Anonymous ID: 97607f Aug. 30, 2018, 11:26 a.m. No.2800967   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Swedish Populist Tells Left-Wing State Radio Station Live on Air: I’d Abolish You


Several members of the Swedish political establishment, including the country’s Culture Minister, slammed populist Sweden Democrats leader Jimmie Åkesson after he said he would advocate shutting down a left-liberal radio station.


The Sweden Democrats leader made his comments while on radio station P3, which is run by Swedish national radio broadcaster Sveriges Radio on Wednesday, SVT reports.


“Had I been the boss here I would have shut down P3 directly,” Åkesson said and criticised the channel of being too left-wing while a guest on one of the station’s programmes.


Culture Minister Alice Bah Kunkhe slammed the comments saying: “Jimmie Åkesson’s statement against P3 and public service is one of the worst desires I have heard during my time as Minister of Culture. It is clear that the Swedish Democrats are a party that poses a threat to the free speech.”


Christer Nylander of the Liberals added to the criticism saying: “We have seen how SD’s sister parties in Europe get on and try to control and influence the media.”


“But when a leading politician says it that way, it’s very serious. It is a direct or indirect way to try and influence things,” Nylander added.


Later the same day Åkesson doubled down on his comments during a programme hosted by newspaper Expressen saying: “I want to emphasise that I say it as a licensee, not as a politician, who goes in and downloads media. But I think P3 is a dirt channel, I really think so.”


The Sweden Democrats leader explained that before his comments, a crude satire had aired on the broadcast. “That caused me to go hard on them, I think they deserve it,” he added.


Satire against politicians, particularly anti-establishment populists or conservatives, has been particularly vicious from the mainstream media in Europe in recent years. In Germany, satire magazine Titanic caused a storm of controversy after publishing a cover featuring Austrian Chancellor Sebastian Kurz with the caption it was “finally possible to kill baby Hitler”.


U.S. President Donald Trump has also been subject to smears in the German press, including a cover of magazine Der Spiegel in which he was depicted as decapitating the Statue of Liberty in the same manner as an Islamic State executioner.

Anonymous ID: 97607f Aug. 30, 2018, 11:31 a.m. No.2801051   🗄️.is 🔗kun



In a major development in the Islamic Republic of Iran, their diligent security forces have finally identified and then proceeded to arrest “dozens of spies”, including at least one Israeli national, some of whom had infiltrated the government, and were working in critical agencies. This was a major announcement made earlier today by Intelligence Minister Mahmoud Alavi.

“The intelligence ministry’s anti-espionage unit has successfully identified and arrested tens of spies in different governmental bodies,” Alavi was quoted by the news agency Iranian Student’s News Agency yesterday, Tuesday August 28th, 2018.

While the minister did not offer much in the way of further details about the arrests or identities of the spies, he did say that those apprehended fit the description of ‘dual nationals’ which the agency had been looking for. Iran does not recognize the status of dual nationals, a policy which is sound and often improperly explained in real-existing contexts in western media.


Israeli media has given us some reason to believe that among these arrested may be at least one Israeli. Their coverage of this incident begins by explaining that on the same day, “Iran seems to confirm arrested Israeli ex-minister was its spy“.


The times of Israel reports that the Iranians said “We brought under our control a member of a cabinet of a powerful country,’ Tehran says, after earlier denying Israeli charges against Gonen Segev.

Effectively, Iran does not deny that a person may have both Iranian and another nationality. However, if they enter the country on an Iranian passport, they cannot refer to, or defer to, their ulterior citizenship to avoid investigation, hearings, and prosecution by Iranian authorities. If the enter Iran on a foreign passport, also, they are treated as Iranian citizens and are not eligible for consular services or protections from the other country in question.

Given that Alavi’s announcement comes as the US has reimposed sanctions on Tehran following President Donald Trump’s unilateral withdrawal from the 2015 JCPOA nuclear deal, FRN has reason to believe that there may be some connection. This may mean that the arrested ‘dual nationals’ are from an A5+I country (the Anglo five plus Israel). More sanctions are scheduled to take effect in November, and the US has threatened to punish anyone in the world who does business with Tehran.

Anonymous ID: 97607f Aug. 30, 2018, 11:36 a.m. No.2801142   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1398

Ongoing Disease Outbreaks In Highly Vaccinated Populations


When an outbreak of influenza A (H3N2) occurred aboard a U.S. Navy ship in February of 1996, despite 95% of the crew’s having been appropriately vaccinated, it barely made the press, even though the CDC did quietly admit that the vaccine failed to work.


Why wouldn’t the CDC want more people to know that the vaccine failed? Wouldn’t the President be concerned that US naval defenses might suffer if their very bodies were under attack? Wouldn’t the sailors feel duped being infected with the very viruses they were told the vaccines would prevent?


What if more people understood that infectious diseases are not to be feared because they are a natural phenomenon that are cyclical in nature? What if people knew about ongoing disease outbreaks in highly vaccinated populations, from nursing homes, to schools, to the National Hockey League?

A Right Of Passage


In Nature, cyclical means that whatever comes around, goes around, whether it is every day, like the sun, or every few years like endemic infections. Endemic means that something is maintained at a baseline level, such as chickenpox. Eradication of cyclical diseases, such as measles or influenza, by means of vaccination, is a pipe dream. Rather than preventing disease, vaccines prevent the disease from ever being resolved. This is because vaccines inhibit T-cell response which is central to natural immunity. Down-regulating T-cells is the purpose of the vaccine program. This is the mentality that tells a new mother not to breastfeed her baby so the vaccine will work. It is sabotage of human nature, perpetrated by those who write the rules–the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)–as well as those who publish the approved science–the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA).

Anonymous ID: 97607f Aug. 30, 2018, 11:41 a.m. No.2801241   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1298

The Latest: Biden says values mattered most to McCain


Former Vice President Joe Biden spoke forcefully as he said politics wasn't what was most important to Sen. John McCain, it was the underlying values that mattered.


Biden said Thursday at the memorial service for the longtime Arizona senator that McCain "could not stand the abuse of power wherever he saw it, in whatever form, in whatever country."


He says McCain embodied basic values including fairness, honesty and respect.


Biden referenced how McCain fought for civility between politicians even if they disagree.



Anonymous ID: 97607f Aug. 30, 2018, 11:47 a.m. No.2801366   🗄️.is 🔗kun

China Denies Reported Military Base in Afghanistan