Anonymous ID: b10106 Aug. 30, 2018, 11:38 a.m. No.2801187   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>2798966 (Q post from previous bread)


>The WORLD is connected.

Expand your thinking Q. Think in terms of the UNIVERSE. Will the UNIVERSE cease to exist if you release it all? Yes? No? Maybe?


>(SOME) things would irreparably harm our ability to advance.

And none of that will matter if an asteroid crashes into Earth and wipes out all life on Earth (or some similar extinction level event occurs) while you were busy "advancing".


Also the statement kinda sounds like you don't really believe god exists (god == whoever created/genetically engineered us). Otherwise you would have prayed to god saying something like "Oh god, we are about to release it all. Please do not let that irreparably harm our ability to advance." and then would have released it all.