Anonymous ID: bebf13 Aug. 30, 2018, 11:33 a.m. No.2801097   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1121 >>1205

I’ve got to throw my .05 cents in…


Some of you have to think… there’s some populations like in Africa, South America, Asia etc…


If you told them some of the stranger things we’ve spoken and and some that’s silent, they would literally slaughter entire villages and towns. It would bloodshed everywhere. Sure people in western countries may be able to comprehend, but some simply wouldn’t other places, it’s just not that advanced yet.


With that being said, regular non-political people should absolutely see that there was depopulation plan, they were/are killing you slowly etc.. (among the other horrors)


They have to see the box/cage, they have to understand the state cannot be trusted when comes to revoking matters of personal liberty and allow further consolidations of power for any reason.


They have to understand that all that “conspiracy” was real on the whole time.


Q/Potus will change things like medicine, history, etc.. on the whole over time.


I’m sure Q will take it as far as they can.


Wait and reserve judgement until this phase is passed.