Anonymous ID: 1b249b Aug. 30, 2018, 12:06 p.m. No.2801684   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1958



You don’t understand any of this noob.


The En.Ki is a title .. means Lord of Ki or commander of the Ki mission force. He is the 1st born son of Anu but not the legal heir because he does not have the double seed.. his mother was not a daughter of his father or father’s father.


The En.Lil.. is also a title .. means Lord of the commanding voice or lord of the heavenly host. En.Lil is the legal heir.. his mother was of the blood of his fathers.


When Enki came up out of the waters .. he was called E.A. .. this becomes yod hah (YH) in Hebrew. To learn more study the Canaanite worship and the transition of Egyptian and Sumerian into Israelite (which is different from Jewish).


Ninurta is En.Lils son.. his symbol was the two headed eagle .. the lord of the heaven and the earth… he is the heir to Anu’s throne.


Now En.Kis son is Marduk… he is a little turd. This is the one we would call Lucifer… Molloch.. he displaced Toth in Egypt and became Ra.. then Amun Ra (the unseen Ra) when he was exiled for a bit after Dimuzi’s death) .. and when he came back he was simply the Amun.. the unseen god..


Jehovah in the Old Testament is frequently used to represent either EnKi or EnLil. Abraham (Ibrum) and his father Terah (Tirhu) were En.Lilites. Tirhu was high priest order in Nippur.. the was an En.Lil city. When En.Lil receives a Dream from Galzu.. the emissary of the True Creator (God), he send his son or En.Kis son to tell them to go to Ur. Then from Ur En.Lil sends them to Haran (southern Turkey) then to the Negev.


So you have Sumerian high-blood (means Adapa descendent) in Abraham. They follow the Lord of Heaven, but they know the Lord of the Earth.. and they fight with the En.Lilites against the En.Kiites (Tidal King battle) which precedes the use of nuclear weapons on the space ports We know of as Sodom and Gomorrah.


Marduk believed the time of the Bull had ended and the time of the Ram was arrived.. he was early. He was beaten back but the decision of what to do is still being resolved.. for them the 3000 to 5000 years that has passed us a short time.. not even 2 shars! All that we have done in the last 200 years is a nanosecond.


There is so much dogma that they have helped to create.. this is a system of control .. they created the Priest-king system .. they created money.. religion.. government ..


But we are more than what they are… as much as they have tinkered with our DNA and tried to limit what the Creator set here as divine… cover within the fabric of existence itself.. in the Light.. we are more than what they put in us of themselves. We are awakening to our true potential.. we are overcoming that evil nature that is their nature..


We will not let them divide..


We will not hate others..


We will value life and love..


We will serve others..


We are many and together and united in our belief.. they will not win: they have already lost: we are watching a show: be I’ll of joy!

Anonymous ID: 1b249b Aug. 30, 2018, 12:27 p.m. No.2801979   🗄️.is 🔗kun



I hope to God someone checks that casket for WMD before it gets to Washington DC! It’s sad to say, but I don’t trust that weasle to go quietly!

Anonymous ID: 1b249b Aug. 30, 2018, 12:44 p.m. No.2802211   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2228



So in early 2000’s the Payseur descendants applied to receive recognition of being part of the Indian Nations .. thru marriage of 2-3 of them to Choctaw women.


To understand why this is important you have to go back to the Tribe of Dan .. they were sea-farers… and they arrived in America long ago.


Having the purest seed is key .. the Hapsburg line split into Hapsburg-Lorraine.. but the Merovingian was older than that line. Back to Anjou .. Avignon .. the angel people. All the way back to the Hivites / Jubusites and maybe Cain himself.


Soros (Georgi Kallay de Nagi Kalo) goes back to Magyer and to Scythian and to Magog.


But it’s Dagour .. Sassoon.. and Kauder lines that represent the Babylonian Jews as the Exilarch and high priestly triad .. why? Davidic bloodlines? Older? Cain’s heirs or Seth’s? Or are they Adapa? Also from NOAH (Siusudra) like Soros? But higher blood?