Anonymous ID: 969d01 Aug. 30, 2018, 12:15 p.m. No.2801808   🗄️.is 🔗kun




30 Aug 2018 - 11:10:40 AM


30 Aug 2018 - 11:08:17 AM



It sure would be nice to see the truth come out on McStain.


I know you can't say anything on the board, BUT he and WE THE PEOPLE do not deserve the BULLSHIT soap opera regarding the clown.


To preserve the Republic-

(Some) things must remain BURIED.



▶Q Research General #3537: To preserve the Republic Edition


Boy what a morning, is it time for lunch yet?


I guess my statement and your response started a shit storm this morning.


Most on the board and the people outside who do not follow Q have no idea how deep this rabbit hole is and who is on whose side.


It is impossible for any of us watching to even comprehend the cluster fuck which people in government over time have created.


Friends with one administration and enemies of the next just based on a R or a D after the name of the current office holder and how those elected officials could line their pockets with more money.


Monty Hall Let's Make a Deal. All old fags hear will remember that one.


I have reposted an idea to help the board dig on the correlation between the CF and McNoname foundations below and expose (some) of the truths. See below:


As I said Q I understand to a point but as I mentioned if those 990 (2002-2018) returns for Hillbilly and McStain foundations just happen to appear in a separate bread on the board by some weird coincidence and maybe published by Lois Lerner it would be a big help to Anon's to uncovering (SOME) of the links to the truth while leading them down different rabbit holes and then people with a half of brain in this country can connect the dots themselves.


Thus the republic in still safely intact and the truth be told. It becomes just another far fetched conspiracy theory by us misfit toys of QANONLAND.


Lois Lerner would have access to those returns because she was involved in approving or disapproving those types of non profits back in the Buckwheat days.


Think of it as her patriotic duty to come back for a day and help the cause. Maybe a deal to do for her to keep her pension?


I known when most here step back from their first reaction to your reply above they really do understand how much of a problem past sessions of government have created.


So here is a 2nd idea:


Since so many in the current congress are leaving based on your house cleaning it would be a great idea to send them off with a great parting gift which also would apply to other past retired members of congress.


You and the rest of the Q team get together and write legislation eliminating the:



Lifetime health & other benefit coverage's

Any other benefits past or present congress's have bestowed upon themselves.


Make Ryan, Pelosi, Schmuer & McConnell introduce to both houses and make them pass it or expose truths on them.


While they are doing that they can work on term limit legislation which can become a amendment. to the constitution and allow us to vote on it.


You end up cleaning up the living room one toy at a time after the kids are done playing.


So the import question is with football upon us are you AF, Navy or Army?????


When all said and done with this mess it sure would be nice to take in a AF vs one of the other two branch's who we can not mention.


The CIC is looking for a new home, it's cold at WP.