Anonymous ID: 9d9097 Aug. 30, 2018, 12:07 p.m. No.2801693   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1774

I am an Uber Driver. Today I had a guy going to the airport from all the way across town, so we had a good 30 minute drive ahead of us. He was from Florida, and had family in Mississippi… and he was marveling at the way people in my town (Omaha) behave and drive, etc… so this got us talking about some really funny stuff, and eventually it turned political. He told me that IN THE SOUTH, no one is really racist that he knows of… people get along just fine with each other across racial lines… and all the problems HE sees with race are happening in NORTHERN cities like Baltimore and Detroit and Chicago and Washington DC… this was quite an "Oh damn, you're right!" type of moment for me… I had never thought about it before… you NEVER see race riots in Birmingham or Atlanta anymore, right?


Anyway, we got to talking about political stuff… and he said how much he hates Hillary, and loves Trump… SO I took that as my cue to talk about Q! (See what I did there? Cue… Q… heh)


I totally redpilled this guy… he was so grateful for me telling him about all this stuff, he tipped me $20 cash. :) I got his # and will be continuing to share stuff with him as it develops. :)

Anonymous ID: 9d9097 Aug. 30, 2018, 12:19 p.m. No.2801874   🗄️.is 🔗kun



We don't dig for Q's benefit… he knows the answers. He asks QUESTIONS so we find the answers ourselves, because that's far more enlightening and convincing for us than to have information spoon fed to us!


Also, he asks questions because he may be giving away state secrets if he tells things straight up the way they are… by asking questions, he skirts around the whole "divulging classified information" thing.


We dig to help redpill the masses… to wake them up… so we can say "I wasn't just TOLD this, I found it myself independent of this Q guy…"


So keep digging!