Anonymous ID: c19d23 Aug. 30, 2018, 12:11 p.m. No.2801755   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1829 >>1849 >>1853 >>1865 >>1875 >>1917 >>1936 >>2036

To those who think Potus the Q Team, Anons, etc owe you more on exposing No-Names dirt, they/we don't owe you shit. If that is the only reason you are here you're here for the wrong reason.


This is bigger than simply discrediting one man, at times you have to make concessions for the greater good.


If you can't understand that, you're more than welcome to leave! You are not the ones running this OP and you don't have ALL the info to make relevant decisions…


Support the Op's or leave, ppl are already tired of your whining…