Anonymous ID: c7d078 Aug. 30, 2018, 12:13 p.m. No.2801781   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1800 >>1826 >>1871 >>1873 >>1894 >>1968

Here's my thoughts on Q's reluctance/refusal to disclose No Name's truth:


First off, I get the feeling that we won't get to see a lot of these people perp walked like we want. They'll just disappear or die off as cover stories keep the masses placated. Not good, but possibly necessary.


So, here are the potential reasons as I see it, why Q & Co may not want to disclose the truth, along with rebuttals:


1) They may fear that the truth that an American "Hero" was actually a traitor and involved in horrendous crimes against humanity, would startle/shock too many normies and disrupt their lives, thus disrupt the Republic.


I doubt this is the reason because the truth of traitors will no doubt be revealed at some point when Hussein and HRC are eventually dealt with. People won't buy it if they just "disappear".


2) The truth of No Name would compromise certain investigations/operations.


Very likely.


3) The truth of No Name is so shocking, that even we wouldn't be able to handle it. My mind wanders here, but what if it involves supernatural forces.


I doubt this though, because they could always just bypass this truth and lay out all of his traitorous activity instead.


4) The truth of No Name's crimes involves another country that is being protected for the sake of the Republic.


Unfortunately, this is probably accurate.


Anyone else have any thoughts?