Anonymous ID: e80f9b Aug. 30, 2018, 12:23 p.m. No.2801929   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1948 >>1961


Yes I've lost everything supporting the POTUS not just following Q,


I have had to sell everything don't even have Food money now,


I've never takin a dime from the government now I've got state employees breaking the law to run me out of business?


I have Law suites but it doesn't help now, might end up being way worse off then i was before,


all I wanted was the truth and people to know there being poisoned and lied to,


if these people are not purged very very soon, i will flip out, this is not shit Im reading off of the internet,


I don't know mccain, or hillary, I don't know if its real, but i do know there are real people, inside of washington state that hold positions of power that have lied and attacked me defamed me stollen all my resources through bureaucracy.


and I can't do shit about it, I know the Nsa knows everything that has happened,


but if justice is not served to these people soon, america is going to loose its best people,


I don't mean the people on Tv I mean the cops, judges, mayors, lawyers, all the ones that stop us from being able to live in peace,


we need a real timeline on change, so we can at least plan to move our stuff out of our houses now that we are destroyed by the state,


I never had kids, I've was a business owner for years in the same town i grew up in.


I am a asset to my community, my wife has had a mental breakdown over it, she docent understand whats happening,


I have Proof of what they are doing but can't stop them they are all in on it,


we are not some punks on the internet, I'm a vegetarian, and well read, I prepare and Plan


this is a war and I'm not getting any back up,


Are you going to do it or CAN we vote them out of is the shit still rigged,


if you don't care don't anwser all part of the plan right?