Anonymous ID: 0fcf72 Aug. 30, 2018, 1:19 p.m. No.2802683   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Camp Peary is an approximately 9,000 acre U.S. military reservation in York County near Williamsburg, Virginia. Officially referred to as an Armed Forces Experimental Training Activity (AFETA) under the authority of the Department of Defense, Camp Peary hosts a covert CIA training facility known as "The Farm", which is used to train officers of the CIA's Directorate of Operations, as well as those of the DIA's Defense Clandestine Service, among other intelligence entities. Camp Peary has a sister facility, "The Point", located in Hertford, North Carolina.

Anonymous ID: 0fcf72 Aug. 30, 2018, 1:25 p.m. No.2802772   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2787

CIA Admits Creating Trained Assassins Through Hypnosis and MK Ultra Mind Control


CIA Admits Creating Trained Assassins Through Hypnosis and MK Ultra Mind Control – There is a huge effort to suppress any and all information regarding the United States government-sponsored experimentation on human subjects for the purpose of mind control and ultimately assassination. Early US efforts at developing the methods of mind control date back to the 1950s Project Monarch and the infamous project MK Ultra (the MK, in spy speak sophistry, stands for mind control). Through a combination of hypnosis and powerful drugs it was discovered that a human subject could in fact be programmed to kill at hearing a “trigger” word or command that had been planted in a subjects mind through intensive programming effort.


The subjects were often mental patients with a history of drug use. These made it easier to cover the trail of the mind control programming. Since they were already isolated and troubled no one would know and since they already had a history of mental trouble and drug use no one would care or even believe any strange revelations, should the experiment go awry. The massive archive of research on mind control was destroyed in 1970 by then CIA head Daniel Webster – except for the most important documents regarding that research – the final method that was discovered to have worked. These most coveted methods are only available to those in the very highest positions of control, CIA heads, and their bosses. The ruling elite at the Council of Foreign Relations, the Trilateral Commission and Bilderburg Group. 40 years later, the methods which have been given by these elite holders of man’s dark secrets to their underlings for the purpose of creating mind controlled assassins, are leaking out. The following is one such account of the methods and applications of mind control.



Anonymous ID: 0fcf72 Aug. 30, 2018, 1:26 p.m. No.2802787   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2826


Project Mirror – Top Secret Project in Mind Control and Assassination


This is a very covert operation. Only 30 – 40 people know if its existence. Project priority is to establish/create a force of no more than 30 individuals were capable of perceiving preset, or configured circumstances were certain leaders of nations are rowed according to their specific cause and importance.


Project order is to liquidate certain individuals according to rowed importance. To seek and find pre-diagnosed individuals in various schizophrenic attributes. Gender of individual of no importance – age of subject must range from 18 to 35. Coded for ‘Operation Open Eyes.’


Test individuals must meet the criteria as being of good health, and compatible with standard Level 4 preconditioning. No language barrier. Such individual will receive orders to activate upon visually seeing pre-stated ranged figures on all media accessible to the average citizens of the media country or nationality of the subject. Subject will follow Level 4 preconditioning, as well as Project Mirror required staunchness of being. Upon such ranged assembly of members of diverse and pre-indoctrinated aspects of Project Mirror, “recall” and “discern target” preconditioning is “overwritten.”


Subject will then be activated to “restore about the 26th tranquility”. Upon termination of target, subject shall, according to medical advice, returned to a rehabilitation center for initial debriefing, or shall in accordance with level 5 instructions, proceed with self sanction or destruction.


It is imperative that all data retrieved during the case of medical rehabilitation be forwarded, be a preordained method to DOM personnel. There shall not be more than 5 prime candidates in waiting, during the course of any fielded operation of stated project. The remains of self sanctioned personnel are to be cremated upon notification, by local or regional sources.


Operations Nu: 6317-ABL-4


Project team leader: DOM 3416-A-2


The directive to form and proceed with this operation comes out of Ft. Meade, MD. Signatory to the project order was originally Stansfield Turner. Project Mirror is still on the books.