Higher consciousness anon posts higher.
Irony in that the comment said was "This was the best fireworks ever!"
Fuck a "show". I hate that Q calls this a movie.
I know too many people directly harmed by evil cabal shit to make it seem like entertainment.
This was my thinking in past breads.
Other countries already know about most of this shit. Remember the cabal is/has been running that country too.
I need a better explanation than "muh, everyone will lose their minds and cause WW3/Civil war" cause that hasn't happened yet when the Cabal was in control. Why would happen when they are exposed?
Explain it to this low iq noob who majored in non-zero sum game theory then. Fill free to use game matrices and go 9 levels out in your analysis. I can keep up. I await your response.
Im too tired to turn this into navyseal copypasta. If someone beats me to it, cool but it will be made when I get rested :)