Anonymous ID: fcea61 Aug. 30, 2018, 1:22 p.m. No.2802731   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2751 >>2759 >>2813 >>3013


The WORLD is connected. Take 9/11. Let's say it was an inside job and Bush, Clinton, etc all had knowledge and watched it happen. We went to war over that. We took over countries because of that. We killed thousands of men, women, and children because of that. The rest of the world is supposed to be cool with that? The citizens of those countries that we essentially took over are supposed to be cool now just because we are draining the swamp?


Who knows what the real story is behind 9/11. I am just using at an example. I'm sure there are many crimes that the cabal have committed that would warrant sanctions/punishment from other countries and/or start a war to retaliate.