Anonymous ID: 096e52 Aug. 30, 2018, 3:16 p.m. No.2804520   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4564

let me see if i have this right:


-google is colluding with the communist chinese government,

as in like right now,

to create a censored search engine.


-which will harm and oppress the innocent Chinese people.

-what did poor Chinese Rice Farmers ever do to google?


-didnt google at one point have a saying 'dont be evil'…

…except to the innocent oppressed dirt poor Chinese citizens, google will kick them around all day long for profit


-isnt planet earth trying to move away from oppression?


-NOT google/facebook, they want everyone not them to be powerless peasants and will do whatever it takes to make that happen.


whatever it takes.

whatever it takes.

whatever it takes.


-enemy of humanity


-what else are they up to behind the scenes?


-i think they are venturing into unfixable territory. a store cannot refuse a customer because of political views. there was a time years ago i would take comfort in thinking that google was non-political, and allowed non-mainstream ideas to thrive.


-wanting less government, meaning less corruption, is now classified as hate speech.


-we have the option of using other services, but the Chinese will only have one, this demon google is creating.


-google is waging a war against the Chinese people that could ruin their lives.


-and the entire left just sits by watching it happen, doesnt say a word against it


-Q just how bad is it over there at google? why is google being so evil?