Anonymous ID: 693d1d Aug. 30, 2018, 2:57 p.m. No.2804276   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Emotions cloud judgement.

>Why is 'Huber' being discussed now?

The game's up.

>What if the TX Congressman was not supposed to drop that name?

Huber was a name that [SOME PEOPLE] want kept off the records of Congress.

>Why is 'Huber' being discussed now?

>Why is 'Huber' (all of a sudden) being grouped into the 'Anti-Sessions' remove, fire, ….nothing being done?

Two of the many potential interpretations:

  1. The pictures are starting. Huber was a no-no word for the MS[M] for a while because it's terrifying to them – the notion of actual accountability. The media is a DC Special Interest, and Huber does not report to Swampington DC. He serves at the pleasure of the executive.

  2. Trying to make what's coming look like a POLITICAL HIT-JOB.

>Discussed by Right or Left?



>Huber did not 'directly' interview….[insert name]?


I wonder about NELLIE.

>Huber did not…….

>Huber did not…….

>Sessions did not…….

>Sessions did not…….

>When will Sessions…….

>When will Sessions…….

"Why can't it happen RIGHT NOW?"

>Who does Huber work with specifically?

Huber = DOJ (No DC). He works with…

>Who investigates?


>Who prosecutes?

Huber, and…?

>Team of 470?

https:// mil/MSC/470MIB/units.html

Theater. Absolutely hilarious. The mind behind Q constantly uses their symbols against them. Poetically.

>Will BO transcripts be released?

Most likely.

>Huber + IG + 470?

Sessions' guy, Horowitz, Military Intel? Pretty good lineup.

>Inside or outside of the DC [SWAMP]?

IG is inside (confirmed white hat), as investigator. The Prosecutor (Huber + 470?) are both outside.

>How many members of Congress not seeking re-election?

>SPEAKER OF THE HOUSE not seeking re-election?

>How many Senators have resigned or not seeking another term?

>How many (senior) FBI have been removed?

>How many (senior) DOJ have been removed?

Traitors being fumigated, publicly and in such a way that [MSM] cannot attack it.

Nothing to See Here.


>We should 'attack' them 'head on'….in DC….using a 2nd SC….

Think logic. Think optics. Think common sense.

>Emotion clouds judgement.


Can't wait to watch the rally. Good to be a Q supporter tonight.