Anonymous ID: 70385f Aug. 30, 2018, 2:39 p.m. No.2803997   🗄️.is 🔗kun

I saw in a thing about calling out homosexuals in the Catholic clergy. So I thought I'd tell you about something.


I have a friend who's like a wannabe CIA type of guy. Kinda lame, but really smart, like an encyclopedia, and he notices EVERY detail, and meets EVERYONE of significance where he goes. "Observe and report" he says. He's the type that has busted some Chinese dude leaving the lab at odd hours of the night, reported it, then a week later dude mysteriously stops coming to class.


Anyways, he's very involved with a group called Catholic Action and other orgs., many attached to Cardinal Burke, the antithesis of Pope Francis, and they report EVERYTHING. Every suspicious priest, every hint of anything politically motivated in charity based Catholic orgs, he even finds out when there are county employees working at a Catholic center where they aren't supposed to be, because such people obviously indoctrinate those around them into thinking Catholics have to support whatever increase of local gov't said county worker wants.


This dude pisses off everyone, they even try to put restraining orders on him and other abuses of process to get him off their back.


Anyways, one of the biggest thing this group is tasked with doing, is reporting suspected homosexuals in the clergy or any type of leadership role in the church. Not just pedophiles or other sexual improprieties, simply HOMOSEXUALS.


He didn't understand, but I explained to him "the reason for the focus on this is way deeper than he realizes"


There are apparently a TON of people doing this very thing. It's practically like an army of disaffected right-wing Catholics being retooled as spies against the Cabal in their org, even at the literally-who level.


They've been working on this for awhile.


Think of the possibilities….