Anonymous ID: 8f8aec Aug. 30, 2018, 2:30 p.m. No.2803856   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3883 >>3961 >>4007 >>4008 >>4039 >>4384 >>4419 >>4473 >>4519

>>2802406 McCain Movie



What am I missing?


So our govt. is holding secret military tribunals supposedly giving out the death penalty and actually have this person die on a certain predicted date and all we have is a few articles dug up by anons to assure us he was evil?


We deserve something concrete. I am a 95% follower of Q. The 2 issues I am having issues with is:


#1. McCain This 40 - 60 bit is hard to swallow. From what it looks like we are trading one "Secret Society" government who likes the power of secrets for simply another "Secret Society" who also likes the power of secrets. I firmly don't believe this is the case with Trump but must it linger…


#2.. I don't understand the strategy of the constant harping about the "good news" on the economy and the stock market. If I were a betting man I would bet most of us on this board are not benefiting from a rising stock market and the good economy does not really trickle down enough to cover what has been stolen from us the last 20 years. Who is benefiting? Obviously the people we are trying to remove from power. So why are we cheering new highs in the DJIA and NASDAQ?


When do we get our homes back from the private equity firms who stole them in 2008? Or are the private equity firms simply getting "richer" with the new highs in the stock market so they can buy more of our housing stock.


What is the strategy exactly? We all heard Trump say on the campaign trail "It's all a big bubble" At least give us a clue what the 360 degree turnaround was about.


Donald Trump on the stock market: 'It's all a big bubble'