Anonymous ID: bd98f0 Aug. 30, 2018, 2:41 p.m. No.2804041   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Not sure if this has been posted before because so many of these reports have been posted but here is this anons dig on:


Inspector General of the Intelligence Community and the Department of State Regarding the Review of Clinton's Emails


Dated - June 2015


  • Congress requested review of State Department employees use of personal email.

  • Review whether classified information was sent.

  • Reviewed procedures and over 30,000 emails by Sec [HRC].

  • Discovered inadvertent release of classified information.

  • State personnel continue to deny release despite definitive determination from the IC interagency FOIA process.


Since the referenced 25 June 2015 notification, we were informed by State FOIA officials that there are potentially hundreds of classified emails within the approximately 30,000 provided by former

Secretary Clinton. We note that none of the emails we reviewed had classification or dissemination markings, but some included IC-derived classified information and should have been handled as classified, appropriately marked, and transmitted via a secure network. Further, my office's limited sampling of 40 of the emails revealed four contained classified IC information which should have been marked and handled at the SECRET level.


As I advised in my 25 June 2015 notification, the 30,000 emails in question are purported to have been copied to a thumb drive in the possession of former

Secretary Clinton's personal counsel, Williams and Connelly attomey David Kendall. As my office's limited sampling identified four emails containing classified IC information, I referred this matter to counterintelligence officials at State and within the IC, including the National Counterintelligence and Security Center and the Federal Bureau of Investigation.


Huber Certainly Has Everything He Needs


The FBI Just Failed To Do Their Jobs.

Anonymous ID: bd98f0 Aug. 30, 2018, 3 p.m. No.2804307   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>2803371 (prev Q drop)


>Who does Huber work with specifically?

Sessions and Grand Juries

>Who investigates?


>Who prosecutes?


>Team of 470?

and his team of 470 attorneys

>Will BO transcripts be released?


>Huber + IG + 470?


>Inside or outside of the DC [SWAMP]?



Grand Jury Process is secret in order to preserve those that criminal charges are not brought against and to enable those who are charged to be arrested without impacting the process that other individuals might be suffering